Aroostook Outdoor News: 1.11.19 edition

In this edition: 1) Strap on snowshoes to see the stars at a social soiree in Fort Kent. 2) Gear up for a family snowshoe in Presque Isle. 3) Get ready for youth skiing and biathlon programs in Fort Kent and Presque Isle. Plus lots more!


NOW-Thursday, January 31

HOULTON AREA: Moosestompers Snow Creation Contest. Build a snowman, snow sculpture, or any other snow “creation,” snap a picture and submit via facebook page private message. We will post submissions to our page, and the way to win is simple: the photo with the most “likes” wins! Open to Maine residents within 45 miles of Houlton. Visit FMI

Saturday, January 12

FORT KENT: Fort Kent Outdoor Center Starlight Snowshoe Social. 6:00–9:00 p.m. at Fort Kent Outdoor Center, 33 Paradis Cir. All ages welcome. Bring a snack and/or non-alcoholic beverage to share. Best poker hand gets half the pot! Cost: FREE, $5/poker hand. Snowshoes and headlamps available for rent. Contact Laura Audibert (207-834-6773) or FMI

Saturday, January 19

PRESQUE ISLE: Nordic Heritage Sport Club/Northern Light A.R. Gould Hospital Family Snowshoe Hike. 9:00–11:00 a.m. at Nordic Heritage Center, 450 Fort Fairfield Rd. Guided tours provided. Cost: FREE! Snowshoe rentals: $2/each, FREE/NHSC member, or bring your own. Visit FMI

Saturday, January 26

FORT KENT: Fort Kent Outdoor Center Jalbert Youth Program. Saturdays; Jan 26-Feb 23; 12:00-2:30 p.m. at FKOC, 33 Paradis Circle. Open to youth ages 4-14. Nordic skiing, instruction, and LOTS of games! Cost: Free for kids! Special $20 trail pass and rental for adults! Contact Julie Sanclemente (207-834-2599) or or visit FMI

Saturday, February 2

HOULTON: 35th Annual Wild Katahdin Trust Snow Run. 2019 Aroostook Musterds County Challenge Series Race #1. Registration: 9:00 a.m. at Millar Arena, 94 Randall Ave. 2-mile walk start: 10:45 a.m. 5k run start: 11:00 a.m. Course: Pretty flat and fast. Cost: $12. T-shirts to first 50 registrants. Proceeds support Houlton Rec. Contact Houlton Rec (207-532-1310) or visit FMI

Sunday, February 3

FORT KENT: Fort Kent Outdoor Center Frostbite 10k and Super Hero Relay. Registration: 1:00 p.m. at FKOC, 33 Paradis Cir. Race start: 2:00 p.m. 10k freestyle and Nordic skier-cross super hero relay; don’t forget your cape! All ages and abilities welcome! Cost $10/adult, $5/youth under 18. Prizes and refreshments in the lodge after the event. Contact FKOC FMI

Monday, February 4

CARIBOU: Caribou Rec. Ski-Daddle Program. Sign up now! Mondays & Wednesdays, 3:00-4:30 p.m.; February 4-March 6.  For all ability levels in grades 3-5; lessons include introduction to equipment, techniques and lots of outdoor fun. Equipment available; students welcome to bring own equipment. Pre-registration required. Cost: $10/resident, $25/non-resident. Contact Caribou Rec. (207-493-4224) FMI

Saturday, February 9

PRESQUE ISLE: Nordic Heritage Sport Club Free Youth XC Ski Day. 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. at NHSC. 450 Fort Fairfield Rd. Does your child want to try XC Skiing? Now is their chance! Instructors will be provided. Rental equipment available while supplies last! Free trail pass, free rentals and free lessons. Brought to you by Northern Light A.R. Gould Hospital. Visit FMI

Saturday, February 9-Sunday, February 10

MONTICELLO: Wilderness Pines Open House Weekend. 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. each day at Wilderness Pines Campground & Outfitters, 83 W Conroy Lake Rd. Family fun-filled weekend includes Houlton Rec. Winter Sports Trailer; XC skis, snowshoes, miles of groomed trails, coffee, hot chocolate, tea, hotdogs, chips, homemade donuts in the Lodge. Visit FMI

Ongoing Programs:

EASTON: Francis Malcolm Science Center Walk-in Tours. Weekdays; 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Experience our planetarium’s full-dome, digital projection system, featuring a 30-minute activity; 15 minutes in the star theater, 15 minutes to visit the facility at large. Cost: $5/visitor; reservations requested. Contact FMSC (207-488-5451) FMI

CARIBOU: Men’s Ski Night. Tuesdays; 5:30 p.m. at Caribou High School Ski Building, 308 Sweden St. Alternating between classical and freestyle skiing each week, starting with freestyle on January 8. Contact Evan Graves FMI

MADAWASKA: Four Seasons Trail Association Walking Group. Wednesdays and Saturdays; 1:00 p.m. at Four Seasons Lodge, 425 Spring St. Bring lunch. Contact Jacqueline Soucy (207-728-7047) FMI

MADAWASKA: Four Seasons Trail Association Youth Skiing Program. Saturdays; December 29-March 9 from 1:00-2:00 p.m. at Four Seasons Lodge, 425 Spring St. Visit FMI

PRESQUE ISLE: County Strides Running Group. Sundays; 10:00 a.m. at various locations. Open to all abilities; be ready for an easy run of 30-45 minutes, and bring friends! Visit County Strides at FMI


LIMESTONE: Friends of Aroostook National Wildlife Refuge Meeting. Second Monday of each month; 6:00 p.m. at ANWR headquarters and Visitor’s Center, 97 Refuge Rd. Get involved in volunteer projects at ANWR in effort to balance enhancing of habitat with public access privilege to enjoy wildlife in an unmolested environment. Contact Friends of ANWR (207-328-4634) or FMI

FORT KENT: Fort Kent Outdoor Center Meeting. First Monday of each month; 6:00 p.m. at FKOC, 33 Paradis Circle. The Fort Kent Outdoor Center promotes healthy outdoor lifestyles by providing a first-rate facility, trail system, and recreational activities for members, athletes, and visitors. Visit FMI

PRESQUE ISLE: Nordic Heritage Sport Club Meeting. First Tuesday of each month; 6:00 p.m. at Nordic Heritage Center, 450 Fort Fairfield Rd. The club promotes healthy outdoor recreation, economic vitality in Central Aroostook County by providing first-class facilities and programs to area residents, athletes, visitors. Visit FMI 

MADAWASKA: Four Seasons Trail Association Meeting. First Wednesday of each month; 6:30 p.m. at Four Seasons Lodge, 425 Spring St. Non-profit organization dedicated to promotion of healthier lifestyles for this community; participation open to anyone interested. Visit FMI

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