
The offugo... outdoor event calendar is provided as a service to the community and is in no way affiliated with any event or organization posted in the calendar, unless specified. The creators of this website do not endorse or certify any of the community events listed herein or the accuracy of the listing of said events including dates. Use at your own risk and confirm dates and times with other sources. The information contained in offugo publications is a simple listing of events happening around the area that we think may be of interest to our community. Events submitted and links to other web sites have been made in good faith in the expectation that the content is appropriately maintained, checked, and verified by the author, agency, or organization of the aforementioned submission and/or link and is timely and accurate. We do not have control nor responsibility for any external information sources linked on our website. It is the responsibility of users to make their own decisions about the accuracy, reliability and correctness of the information on this website, as well as sites linked from the aforementioned webpage. By accessing the information at or through this calendar, each user waives and releases offugo website creators to the full extent permitted by law from any and all claims relating to the usage of the material made available through the website.

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