Aroostook Outdoor News: 2.23.18 edition

In this edition: 1) Give skiing and snowshoeing a try in Houlton. 2) Get outside with the family in Presque Isle. 3) Join a ski tour or race in Limestone. Plus lots more!


Friday, February 23-Saturday, February 24

HOULTON: Houlton Recreation Department Winter Sports Days. Borrow gear from our Winter Sports Trailer and give cross country skiing, snowshoeing a try; bundle up and see you there! 1:00-3:00 p.m. each day at Community Park, 94 Randall Ave. Cost: FREE! Contact Houlton Rec. (207-532-1310) FMI

Saturday, February 24

PRESQUE ISLE: Aroostook State Park Winter Family Fun Day. 10:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. Come have fun with the family outside in Aroostook County’s winter wonderland: XC skiing, snowshoeing, sliding, snowmobile tote-rides, nature walks, warming hut, hot food, bonfire, Smokey the Bear, Maine Game Wardens. Fee: $1.50/person ages 12-64; all others FREE. Equipment available. Contact Aroostook State Park (207-768-8341) FMI

LIMESTONE: Limestone Ski Club C-Me-Ski Classic Tour and Race. Aroostook Cup Series Race #3. Come out and enjoy the beauty of the wooded trails, wildlife, good food! Distances: .5k/ages 12 and under; 7k/ages 13-18; 21k/adults. Registration: 12:00 p.m. at Aroostook National Wildlife Refuge, 97 Refuge Rd. Youth race start: 1:00 p.m. Adult race start: 1:30 p.m. Cost: $10/person. Contact Limestone Ski Club (207-328-7491) FMI

Tuesday, February 27

PRESQUE ISLE: Quoggy Jo Ski Center/SAD1 Adult & Community Ed. Youth Ski Program. Tuesdays; 3:00-6:00 p.m. February 27-March 27 at Quoggy Jo, 420 Fort Rd. For students in grades 1-12. Cost: $39/student, includes transportation, equipment, lesson. Contact SAD1 Adult Ed. (207-764-4776) or visit FMI

Thursday, March 1

CARIBOU: Caribou Rec/Bigrock SKI4LIFE Downhill Ski Program. Thursdays or Fridays, March 1-April 6. For students in grades 5-8. Cost: $80/student (includes lift ticket, ski rentals, lesson, transportation), $20/Bigrock season pass holder. Pre-registration required. Contact Neal Sleeper (207-493-4224) or FMI

Saturday, March 3

PRESQUE ISLE: Himie Towle Memorial Ski Frolic. Aroostook Cup Series Race #4. Youth races at varying distances; 10k Freestyle Race, 5k Tour for adults. Registration: 10:00 a.m. at Nordic Heritage Center, 450 Fort Fairfield Rd. Youth race start: 12:00 p.m. Adult race start: 12:30 p.m. Cost: $20/family, $10/adult, $5/youth; includes lunch. Contact Tom Towle (207-227-6306) or FMI

FORT KENT: 2nd Annual Can-Am Crown Snowshoe Challenge. 12:00 p.m. at Lonesome Pine Trails, Forest Ave. Join us for a snowshoe race after all the Can-Am Crown Mushers have left the starting line. 11 and under, 12-15 y/o divisions race are on flat course; 16 and above division runs up The Far Side trail, down Founders trail. Cost: $5/15 and under, $10/16 and above. Contact Michelle Labbe (207-231-0386) FMI

Saturday, March 3-Sunday, March 4

FORT KENT: Fort Kent Outdoor Center/Can-Am Crown Skijoring Races, Skijoring: a blend of XC skiing and mushing, where skier and animal(s) work together. 2k, 4k Sprint races Saturday; 5k, 10k races Sunday, at Fort Kent Outdoor Center, 33 Paradis Cir. Cost: $30/person per race. Contact FKOC or visit FMI

Friday, March 9 – Sunday, March 11

PATTEN: Mt Chase Lodge Women’s Winter Skills Weekend. At Mt. Chase Lodge, 1517 Shin Pond Rd. Registered Maine Guides will lead ski and snowshoe adventures, teach basic ice fishing, fish identification, introduction to snowmobiling. Pre-registration required. Cost: $319/adult, $279/youth; includes instruction, leadership by Registered Maine Guides, lodging. Contact Mt. Chase Lodge (207-528-2183) FMI

Saturday, March 10

ST. AGATHA: 5th Annual Angel Snowfest. All-day event at Lakeview Restaurant, 9 Lakeview Dr. Live music, outdoor Ice Bar, Snowshoe/Walk, Luminary Walk on the breathtaking Lakeview trails. Proceeds benefit Angel Flight NE and Edgar J. Paradis Cancer Fund. Fee: $15; includes neck-warmer, stew, entertainment. Visit FMI

Saturday, March 17

FORT KENT: All Things Become New 1st Annual St. Patty's Day 5k/10k Run/Walk. 9:00 a.m.-Noon at FKCHS, 84 Pleasant St. All ages welcome to attend. Prizes to winners of male, female age groups, individuals who raise the most money. Childcare provided. Pizza, popcorn, drinks, t-shirts available for purchase. Visit FMI

Sunday, February 4

PRESQUE ISLE: Nordic Heritage Sport Club Women's Winter Snow Day. 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. at Nordic Heritage Center, 450 Fort Fairfield Rd. Women, this is your day to learn about new sports, develop new skills, spend time with friends, and to focus on yourselves. Activities include: Zumba warm-up, Alpine skiing, Nordic skiing, yoga, massage, snowshoeing, winter camping, more. Visit FMI

Ongoing Programs:

PRESQUE ISLE: Nordic Heritage Sport Club/TAMC Youth Ski Program. Saturdays; 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. at Nordic Heritage Center, 450 Fort Fairfield Rd. Ends March 3. Coaches combine instruction, technique training with games on skis. This is the perfect way to get outside and enjoy the winter! For ages 6–10; children under 6 must be accompanied by adult. Cost: FREE! Contact Paul Lamoreau (207-764-6517) FMI

PRESQUE ISLE: Nordic Heritage Sport Club Youth XC Ski Club. Saturdays; 10:00-11:30 a.m. at Nordic Heritage Center, 450 Fort Fairfield Rd. For 4th-8th graders. Want to learn more about XC skiing? Try something new? The Aroostook County Bill Koch Club is for you; play games, learn technique, and have fun on skis! Cost $15/child. Contact Lydia Streinz FMI

FORT KENT: Fort Kent Outdoor Center Jalbert Youth Program. Saturdays; 1:00-2:30 p.m. at FKOC, 33 Paradis Circle. Jan 20-Feb 24. Open to youth ages 4-14; Nordic skiing, instruction, and LOTS of games! Cost: Free for kids! Special $20 trail pass and rental for adults! Contact Julie Sanclemente (207-834-2599) or FMI

PRESQUE ISLE: County Strides Running Group. Sundays; 10:00 a.m. at various locations. Open to all abilities; be ready for an easy run of 30-45 minutes, and bring friends! Visit County Strides at FMI

EASTON: Francis Malcolm Science Center Walk-in Tours. Weekdays; 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Experience our planetarium’s new, full-dome, digital projection system, featuring a 30-minute activity; 15 minutes in the star theater, 15 minutes to visit the facility at large. Cost: $5/visitor; reservations requested. Contact FMSC (207-488-5451) FMI

PRESQUE ISLE: Nordic Heritage Sport Club Adult Ski Night. Tuesdays; 6:00-8:00 p.m. at Nordic Heritage Center, 450 Fort Rd. Group skiing and instruction for all abilities! Cost: FREE! Equipment rentals available, please arrive no later than 5:45 p.m. Contact Tom Chasse (207-769-2453) or FMI

MADAWASKA: Four Seasons Trail Association Walking Group. Wednesdays and Saturdays; 1:00 p.m. at Four Seasons Lodge, 425 Spring St. Bring lunch. Contact Jacqueline Soucy (207-728-7047) FMI

CARIBOU: Men’s Ski Night. Thursdays; 5:00-6:30 p.m. Casual ski outing switching between Freestyle and Classical skiing each week. Start out with larger group, than most likely naturally break off into smaller groups depending on numbers. This is not a race or workout. If there is interest in workouts, we can discuss that and try another night for workouts. Contact Evan Graves FMI


LIMESTONE: Friends of Aroostook National Wildlife Refuge Meeting. Second Monday of each month; 6:00 p.m. at ANWR headquarters and Visitor’s Center, 97 Refuge Rd. Get involved in volunteer projects at ANWR in effort to balance enhancing of habitat with public access privilege to enjoy wildlife in an unmolested environment. Contact Friends of ANWR (207-328-4634) or FMI

PRESQUE ISLE: Nordic Heritage Sport Club Meeting. First Tuesday of each month; 6:00 p.m. at Nordic Heritage Center, 450 Fort Fairfield Rd. The club promotes healthy outdoor recreation, economic vitality in Central Aroostook County by providing first-class facilities and programs to area residents, athletes, visitors. Visit FMI

FORT KENT: Fort Kent Outdoor Center Meeting. First Wednesday of each month; 6:00 p.m. at FKOC, 33 Paradis Circle. The Fort Kent Outdoor Center promotes healthy outdoor lifestyles by providing a first-rate facility, trail system, and recreational activities for members, athletes, and visitors. Visit FMI

MADAWASKA: Four Seasons Trail Association Meeting. First Wednesday of each month; 6:30 p.m. at Four Seasons Lodge, 425 Spring St. Non-profit organization dedicated to promotion of healthier lifestyles for this community; participation open to anyone interested. Visit FMI

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