Aroostook Outdoor News: 9.15.17 edition

In this edition: 1) A bird walk in Fort Fairfield. 2) A fall 5k in Houlton. 3) A special bike tour in Fort Kent. Plus lots more!


Saturday, September 16

FORT FAIRFIELD: Aroostook Birders Christina Reservoir Shorebirds Walk. 8:00-11:00 a.m. Meet at reservoir access point on Conant (Townline) Rd. One of the best spots to see a diversity of migrating shorebirds; almost 20 different species seen here! Walk the dike and scan the shores at a peak time for species diversity and numbers. Spotting scopes available. Rain or shine. Visit FMI

HOULTON: Riverfront Harvest Festival 5k. Registration: 9:00 a.m. at Riverfront Park, Mill St. Race start: 10:00 a.m. Fee: $12. Contact Chris Rines (207-227-2813) or visit FMI

FORT KENT: UMFK Jim Grandmaison Bike Tour. Enjoy beautiful scenery from Fort Kent to Soldier Pond to Eagle Lake; 16-mile or 33-mile ride options. All riders should wear blue. Registration: 9:00 a.m. at Blake Library, 23 University Dr. Tour start: 10:00 a.m. Pre-registration recommended. Cost: $10 UMFK student, $35/non-student, $100/Family. Visit FMI

PORTAGE LAKE: 1st Annual September Fest. 1:00-4:00 p.m. at Portage Lakeside Cabins, 4 Almond Dr. Friends and families enjoy kayak races, biggest chub/sunfish catch, horse shoes, croquet, water balloon fights, duck pool pickin,’ cribbage, more. Trophies, prizes awarded. Dinner, dancing to follow. Cost: $25/age 16 and up, $15/age 15 and under, FREE/under 5. Contact Portage Lakeside Cabins (207-227-2454) FMI

PATTEN: Stars Over Katahdin 2017. Explore Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument and view the amazing night sky over Maine’s tallest mountain. Activities include: guided Barnard Mountain hike, guided mountain bike ride into Orin Falls, campfire chats and s’mores, guided night sky viewing with experts. Contact Susan Adams FMI

Wednesday, September 20

DEBOULLIE: Caribou Rec. Take It Outside Series Adult Trip to Red River Camps. Host Jen Brophy will provide a tour and sit-down lunch; learn the history of one of northern Maine’s hidden gems; visit nearby ponds, Red River Falls. Cost: $40; includes transportation, North Maine Woods access, meal. Preregistration required. Contact Neal Sleeper (207-493-4224) or FMI

Saturday, September 23-Sunday, September 24

NORTH MAINE WOODS: Caribou Rec. Take It Outside Series Adult Overnight Trip to Ghost Trains & Churchill Dam Museum. Stay at historic Macannamac Camps, tour Churchill Dam Natural History museum, hike into the trains. Cost: $85; includes transportation, lodging, meals. Preregistration required; restricted to individuals in excellent shape. Contact Neal Sleeper (207-493-4224) or FMI

Saturday, September 23

PRESQUE ISLE: SAD #1 Adult & Community Education Whitewater Rafting Bus Trip. We have teamed up with Northeast Whitewater for a rafting trip down the Kennebec River. Don't miss this amazing adventure! Space limited to 40 participants. Cost: $94/person; includes transportation, equipment, meals. Contact SAD #1 Adult & Community Education (207-764-4776) or FMI

FORT KENT: 2017 Northern Maine Walk to End Alzheimer's. Take the first step to a world without Alzheimer's. Registration: 8:00 a.m. at Riverside Park, 416 West Main St. Ceremony: 9:00 a.m. Walk start: 9:30 a.m. Route Length: 3 miles. Contact Lisa Frazell (207-249-8962) or FMI

HOULTON: Link For Hope Recovery Walk. 9:30 a.m. at Houlton Rec. Center, 128 Main St. Walk down Pleasant Street, through Market Square to Gateway Bridge; people will be given an opportunity to speak regarding their recovery, that of a loved one or speak about someone they lost because of addiction. Contact Trudy O’Bar Rairdon FMI

PRESQUE ISLE: Presque Isle Historical Society Guided Historic Downtown Walking Tour. 10:00 a.m.-Noon. This guided two-mile tour begins, ends at the 1875 Vera Estey House Museum, 16 Third St., covers over 30 historic sites and individuals. Fee: FREE; donation suggested. Contact Kim Smith (207-762-1151) or visit FMI

Tuesday, September 26

AROOSTOOK: Caribou Rec. Take It Outside Series Adult Moose & Fall Foliage Ride. Take a ride to various moose tagging stations; from Caribou to Fort Kent to Portage Lake to Ashland and Presque Isle. Preregistration required. Cost: $25, includes sit down lunch at Dean’s Motor Lodge in Portage Lake. Contact Neal Sleeper (207-493-4224) or FMI

Saturday, September 30

PRESQUE ISLE: TAMC Colors of Courage 5k Run/Walk. Celebrate, support cancer survivors! Registration: 8:30 a.m. at TAMC, 140 Academy St. Champions’ Ceremony: 9:30 a.m. Champions’ Lap: 9:45 a.m. Kids’ Fun Run: 10:15 a.m. 5k start: 10:30 a.m. Cost: $20/person before 9/1, $25/person after 8/31, FREE/ Kids’ Fun Run. Visit FMI

CARIBOU: Walk MS: Caribou 2017. Registration: 9:00 a.m. at Cary Medical Center, 163 Van Buren Rd. Walk start: 10:00 a.m. Route length: 3.5 miles (1.25 mile option). Contact Sue Tidd (800-344-4867) or FMI

Sunday, October 1-Thursday, October 5

MT. CHASE: Mt. Chase Lodge Wilderness Plein Air Retreat. Join seasoned plein air artists Diane Dubreuil and Suzanne Savage Brewer for a special painting retreat in the Penobscot wilderness of northern Maine; a unique opportunity offering a team-teaching approach in watercolors and oils for beginning and practicing plein air painters. Visit FMI

Wednesday, October 4-Wednesday, November 1

PRESQUE ISLE: SAD #1 Adult & Community Education Youth Mountain Biking. 3:00-5:15 p.m. at Nordic Heritage Center, 450 Fort Rd. 6-week program (Oct 4-Nov 1) for bikers of all ability levels in grades 5-12. Learn to climb and descend hills, bunny hop over obstacles, ride the terrain park, and navigate the trails at NHC. Cost: $30/person. Contact SAD #1 Adult Ed. (207-764-4776) or FMI

Thursday, October 5

HOULTON: Hope and Justice Project Light It Up, Houlton! Walk. 6:00-7:30 p.m. at Houlton Recreation Department 128 Main St. Event to include a walk to end abuse, guest speakers, remembrance ceremony. Participants encouraged to help us light up the night with purple glow-sticks for domestic violence awareness. Free t-shirts available. Visit FMI

Friday, October 6 & Saturday, October 7

PRESQUE ISLE: Central Aroostook Chamber of Commerce Haunted Woods Walk. 6:00-9:00 p.m. each night at Nordic Heritage Center, 450 Fort Fairfield Rd. We are amping up the scares this year! DJ show, food, fun! Not for the faint of heart; strongly recommended for no one under the age of 13. Cost: $5/person. Contact CACC (207-764-6561) or visit FMI

Saturday, October 7

MARS HILL: Aroostook Birders Goose Lunch. 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. at Mars Hill Pond, Bridge St. Canada Geese migrate through the County each fall, stopping for short stays; a favorite stopover is Mars Hill Pond. We will also look for the occasional rare visitor traveling with them. Light refreshments, drinks available. Contact Aroostook Birders FMI

Sunday, October 8

PRESQUE ISLE: UMPI Alumni and All-Comers XC 5k. Race start: 11:00 a.m. at UMPI’s Park Family Field (soccer field complex). Contact Chris Smith (207-768-4972) or FMI

Monday, October 9

FORT KENT: Fort Kent Outdoor Center Roller Ski/Biathlon Pursuit Race. 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. at FKOC, 33 Paradis Cir. Prince Edward Island Biathlon team is at biathlon camp, with very young athletes who have never been on roller skis and experienced athletes. Looking for participants in informal races on Saturday and Sunday for experience. Contact Carl Theriault (207-631-9589) or FMI

Friday, October 13

PRESQUE ISLE: Hope and Justice Project Walk It Up, Presque Isle! Light walk to bring awareness to domestic abuse and sexual violence. Registration and Story Time: 11:00 a.m. at Mark & Emily Turner Memorial Library, 39 2nd St. Walk start: 12:00 p.m. Free t-shirt and lunch to those who pre-register. Visit FMI

Saturday, October 14

DEBOULLIE: Caribou Rec. Adult Take It Outside Series Deboullie Day Hike. Deboullie Public Reserved Land offers rugged terrain, numerous ponds, spectacular views. Let us be your guide to what Deboullie has to offer. Preregistration required; program restricted to those in excellent shape. Cost: $20; bring bag lunch. Contact Neal Sleeper (207-493-4224) or FMI

LIMESTONE: 16th Annual Robert A. Frost Memorial Library Linda M. Page Memorial Walk-A-Thon. Registration: 9:00 a.m. at FML, 42 Main St. Walkers under 12 must be accompanied by adult. Refreshments provided. Door prizes; special prize to highest dollar amount collected. First 30 registrants to raise $25 receive t-shirt. Contact FML (207-325-4706) or FMI

WOODLAND: Woodland School Haunted Woods Walk. 6:00-8:30 p.m. at Woodland Consolidated School, 844 Woodland Center Rd. Guaranteed to be a haunting good time! Cost: $3/person; last ticket sold at 8:30 p.m. Contact Woodland School (207-496-2981) FMI

Sunday, October 15
FORT KENT: Fort Kent Outdoor Center Fall Rollerski/Biathlon Session. Ages 13 and up: 1:30–3:00 p.m.; ages 8-12: 3:00-4:00 p.m. at FKOC, 33 Paradis Cir. Bring bike helmet, light gloves, skate ski boots if you have them, dress in shorts and sweat pants. Rollerskis, poles, all shooting equipment provided. Cost: $20 donation to pay for ammunition. Contact Carl Theriault (207-631-9589) or FMI

Monday, October 16

FORT KENT: Aroostook County Tourism Workshop. 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. at Fort Kent Community High School, 84 Pleasant St. Participate in an important assessment of our region’s tourism destination strengths and level of community engagement. Visit FMI

PRESQUE ISLE: Aroostook County Tourism Workshop. 2:00-5:00 p.m. at Northern Maine Community College, 33 Edgemont Dr. Participate in an important assessment of our region’s tourism destination strengths and level of community engagement. Visit FMI

Ongoing Programs:

PRESQUE ISLE: County Strides Running Group. Sundays; 10:00 a.m. at various locations. Open to all abilities; be ready for an easy run of 30-45 minutes, and bring friends! Visit County Strides at FMI

EASTON: Francis Malcolm Science Center Walk-in Tours. Weekdays; 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Experience our planetarium’s new, full-dome, digital projection system, featuring a 30-minute activity; 15 minutes in the star theater, 15 minutes to visit the facility at large. Cost: $5/visitor; reservations requested. Contact FMSC (207-488-5451) FMI

MADAWASKA: Four Seasons Trail Association Walking Group. Wednesdays and Saturdays; 1:00 p.m. at Four Seasons Lodge, 425 Spring St. Bring lunch. Contact Jacqueline Soucy (207-728-7047) FMI

PRESQUE ISLE: Women's Trail Night, Presque Isle. Wednesdays; 6:00 p.m. at Nordic Heritage Center Lodge parking lot, 450 Fort Fairfield Road. May-August. Beginner and advanced groups depart from the parking lot at 6:00 p.m. sharp. Cost: FREE! Visit FMI


STOCKHOLM: Sportsmen’s, Inc. Meeting. First Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at Axle Siding Clubhouse (intersection of Lake Street/Rt. 161). Outdoors men and women promoting the traditions of the outdoors. If you're interested in joining, you're welcome to attend as a guest. Kids are welcome too! Visit FMI

LIMESTONE: Friends of Aroostook National Wildlife Refuge Meeting. Second Monday of each month; 6:00 p.m. at ANWR headquarters and Visitor’s Center, 97 Refuge Rd. Get involved in volunteer projects at ANWR in effort to balance enhancing of habitat with public access privilege to enjoy wildlife in an unmolested environment. Contact Friends of ANWR (207-328-4634) or FMI

PRESQUE ISLE: Nordic Heritage Sport Club Meeting. First Tuesday of each month; 6:00 p.m. at Nordic Heritage Center, 450 Fort Fairfield Rd. The club promotes healthy outdoor recreation, economic vitality in Central Aroostook County by providing first-class facilities and programs to area residents, athletes, visitors. Visit FMI

PRESQUE ISLE: Presque Isle Fish and Game Club Meeting. Last Tuesday of each month; 5:30 p.m. at PIFG clubhouse, Parsons Road. Established in 1947 to help protect, conserve, maintain and restore our natural resources as well as to protect and promote our outdoor heritage. Meetings include a delicious supper, cash bar, short business meeting. Visit FMI

MADAWASKA: Four Seasons Trail Association Meeting. First Wednesday of each month; 6:30 p.m. at Four Seasons Lodge, 425 Spring St. Non-profit organization dedicated to promotion of healthier lifestyles for this community; participation open to anyone interested. Visit FMI

FORT FAIRFIELD: Frontier Fish and Game Club. Second and fourth Wednesdays of each month (fourth Wednesdays during summer); 6:00 p.m. at FFFFG clubhouse on Monson Pond, 550 Dorsey Rd. Founded in 1958 to help conserve, protect, maintain, and restore our natural resources and to promote our outdoor heritage. Visit FMI

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