Aroostook Outdoor News: 5.26.17 edition

In this edition: 1) A historic walking tour in Presque Isle. 2) Ice fishing (yes, ice fishing) in Forest City. 3) Running events to honor veterans in Houlton. Plus lots more!


Saturday, May 27
Presque Isle Historical Society Guided Historic Downtown Walking Tour, Presque Isle. 10:00 a.m.-Noon. Guided two-mile tour begins and ends at the 1875 Vera Estey House Museum, 16 Third Street, and covers over 30 historic sites and individuals. Reservations suggested. Fee: FREE; $2 donation suggested. Contact Kim Smith (207-762-1151) or visit FMI

*Saturday, May 27
Woodie Wheaton Land Trust Ice Fishing Film & Blackfly Pizza Night, Forest City. 6:30 p.m. at WWLT Center 2 Grove Rd. “Hardwater,” an award-winning film about treasured Maine tradition, highlights how ice fishing brings people together. Maine-made film featuring East Grand Lake; what happens above the ice is only half the story. Pizza, beverages served. Cost: $7/person. Contact WWLT (207-448-3250) FMI

Monday, May 29
Wilderness Walk For Warriors Honor Run Half Marathon, Monticello. 13.1 miles on dirt railbed to Houlton, runners will accept flag transfer from Maine Army National Guard members; course unsupported, not certified; wear patriotic attire. Race start: 9:00 a.m. at Blue Moose Restaurant, 180 US-Route 1. Cost: FREE; donations accepted. Visit FMI

Monday, May 29
Wilderness Walk for Warriors Memorial Day 5k Run/Walk, Houlton. Proceeds to assist veterans, service members, families, as well as honor our fallen Maine heroes. Registration: 10:30 a.m. on Kelleran St. Kids’ 1-mile Fun Run start: 12:00 p.m. 5k Run/Walk start: 12:30 p.m. Cost: $5/Kids’ Fun Run; $30/5k Run/Walk before May 22, $40 after May 21; plus online SignUp Fee; includes tech t-shirt, BBQ for participants, veterans, service members. Visit FMI

Friday, June 2
Casting For Recovery Maine Breast Cancer Retreat Application Deadline, Deboullie Twp. Often, the adventure of spending a weekend flyfishing deep in the Maine woods is one of the most exciting aspects to many of the participants. Retreat takes place July 28-30 at Red River Camps in Deboullie Township. Only 14 Maine women applicants will be accepted. Visit FMI

Saturday, June 3 & Sunday, June 4
Maine Free Family Fishing Days, Statewide. On these days, any person (except those whose license has been suspended or revoked) may fish without a license. All other laws and regulations apply. Visit FMI

Saturday, June 3
Aroostook Birders Bird Walk, Presque Isle. 7:00-10:00 a.m. at Aroostook State Park. Please join us for an early morning bird walk. We will split into groups, depending on the attendance, and search for returning migrants in the various habitats of the park. Warblers should be in abundance unless it is pouring rain! Cost: $3/adult 12-64 years, $1/youth 5-11 years, all others free. Visit FMI

*Saturday, June 3
Presque Isle Elks 17th Annual Hooked on Fishing, Not Drugs Youth Fishing Derby, Presque Isle. Registration: 8:00 a.m. at Mantle Lake Park. Open to all youth 4-15 years; must be accompanied by an adult. Cost: FREE! First prize: lifetime fishing license. Special prizes for special catches. Lunch, prizes for all registered contestants; fishing gear available. Contact Curtis Lewin at (207-768-8008) FMI

Sunday, June 4
Aroostook County Girls on the Run Celebratory 5k, Presque Isle. 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. at Mantle Lake Park. Noncompetitive event. It doesn't matter who finishes first or last; it is about setting a goal and achieving it. Come join the girls as we all run, walk, or skip our way to the finish line! Monies raised support our GOTR team, help continue and expand GOTR to more girls in the County. Visit www.girlsontherunmaine/5k FMI

Friday, June 9
PI Historical Society Guided Historic Fairmount Cemetery Tour, Presque Isle. Meet at 5:30 p.m. at Central Aroostook Chamber of Commerce, 3 Houlton Road. 1.5-hour guided walking tour; discuss origins, Victorian influences, 30 local historic figures. Many hills on tour. Cost: $5; reservations required. Contact Kimberly Smith (207-762-1151) or visit FMI

Saturday, June 10
Aroostook Birders Paddle Trip, Hodgdon. 8:00 a.m. at Anderson’s Mill Pond Dairy Bar, 226 Hodgdon Mills Rd. Please join us for a leisurely paddle along the Hodgdon Deadwater, located in Gordon Manuel Wildlife Management Area, summer home to many waterfowl species, established pair of Bald Eagles. Bring your canoe or kayak, drinking water, bug spray and sunscreen! Visit FMI

Saturday, June 10
Rally in the Valley Mountain Bike Festival, Fort Kent. Registration: 9:00 a.m. at Fort Kent Outdoor Center. Event: 10:00 a.m.-Noon. For grades PK-8; purpose of the day is for kids to enjoy biking while becoming skilled in other facets of the sport. Cost: $5; includes free prize and snacks, all participants present eligible to win new mountain bike! Contact Joanne Fortin (207-834-1353) or FMI

Saturday, June 10
Central Aroostook Humane Society Paws For The Cause Walk, Presque Isle. 2-mile walk to benefit the animals. All dogs, big or small, are welcome! Registration: 9:30 a.m. at Central Aroostook Humane Society, 26 Cross St. Walk start: 10:00 a.m. Rain or shine. Cost: $5 for those without pledges; includes refreshments, door prizes. Rabies Clinic: 11:00 a.m.; $10 fee. Contact CAHS (207-764-3441) FMI

Wednesday, June 14
St. John Valley Senior College Allagash Tour, Fort Kent. 9:00 a.m. at UMFK Sports Center. Reminisce as you tour a museum of chainsaws, visit a homegrown furniture factory, and have a delicious lunch at Two Rivers. Visit FMI

Saturday, June 17
Fort Fairfield Frontier Fish and Game Club Youth Fishing Derby, Fort Fairfield. Registration: 7:00 a.m. at Fish & Game Club, 550 Dorsey Road. $1000 in prizes available due to our generous sponsors. Cash prize by age group: 12 & under, 13-18. 1st Prize: $250, 2nd Prize: $150, 3rd Prize: $50, Most Hornpout Prize: $100. Visit FMI

Saturday, June 17
4th Annual Greater Grand Isle Canoe/Kayak Race, Grand Isle. Flat water. 10 mi.; Madawaska to Grand Isle. Registration: 8:00 a.m. at Madawaska boat landing next to Central Building Supply. Race start: 10:00 a.m. Beautiful scenic race along US/Canada border. Finish at Grand Isle boat landing. Cost: $15/adult, $7/youth 12 & under; first 100 registrants receive a t-shirt. Contact Grand Isle General Store (207-895-3311) FMI

*Saturday, June 17
TAMC/UMPI Youth Triathlon, Presque Isle. Get active while having fun! Competitors swim, bike, and run on the UMPI campus in three different divisions; 7-9 year olds, 10-12 year olds, 13-14 year olds. Check-in: 9:00 a.m. Race start: 10:00 a.m. Cost: $10/child. Pre-registration required by June 9. Visit FMI

Saturday, June 17
Maine Dept. of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife Moose Permit Lottery, Caribou.
9:30 a.m. Caribou Rec. All-day activities for all ages; DIF&W staff, local biologists, game wardens, local vendors on-site with info, products regarding guided hunting trips, handmade crafts, goods, more. Moose Lottery drawing start: 2:00 p.m.; reading of names may last 3-4 hours. Contact Christina Kane-Gibson FMI

*Saturday, June 17
Woodie Wheaton Land Trust Photo History Narrative & Ice Cream Social, Forest City.
6:30 p.m. at WWLT Center, 2 Grove Rd. Come relax with an ice cream sundae and travel back in time as long-time resident, Bud Brooks, uses local vintage photographs to take us on an historic walk through old Forest City. Cost: $5/person. RSVP by June 10. Contact WWLT (207-448-3250) FMI

Sunday, June 18
Maine State Parks and Lands Maine Resident's Day, Statewide. On Father's Day from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., all vehicles bearing Maine license plates are allowed free entrance to Maine state parks and historic sites; does not apply to Baxter State Park and some other facilities. Contact Aroostook State Park (207-768-8341) FMI

Sunday, June 18
Patten Lumberman’s Museum FREE Father’s Day, Patten. Learn all about Maine logging history, including the use of bateaux on waterways to transport supplies, the stories of the fearless river drivers, what life was like inside a remote logging camp, and even the role of bean hole beans. Cost: Free admission for all dads! Contact Patten Lumbermen’s Museum (207-528-2650) or visit FMI

*Wednesday, June 21 & Thursday, June 22
Fort Fairfield Public Library Science Sessions: Our Blue Planet, Fort Fairfield. 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. at FF Public Library, 339 Main St. Kickstart summer with a look at all things WATER! Explore Cornerstones of Science's Water Trunk; look at water cycle, frogs of Maine, breathing underwater, more! Ages 6-14. Cost: FREE! Pre-registration required. Two identical sessions are being offered. Contact FFPL (207-472-3880) FMI

Saturday, June 24
Aroostook Council for Healthy Families Strides 2 Strengthen 5K Fun Run/Walk and Kids’ Run, Houlton. 8:00 a.m. at Millar Civic Center, 94 Randall Street. A family-focused event with positive parenting messages posted along the route to promote strengthening healthy families and child abuse/neglect prevention. Cost: Donation. Contact Bonnie Dickison (207-532-7405) or FMI

Saturday, June 24
3rd Annual Patten Rec. Lower and Upper Shin Pond Fishing Derby, Mount Chase. $750 in cash prizes! Great kids’ prize and trophy packages for top 10 kids. Rules, registration forms can be obtained at Patten Town Office and local businesses. Cost: $20/adult, $10/youth. Contact Patten Recreation Dept. (207-528-2902) or FMI

Sunday, June 25
SW Collins Co. 5k Run/Walk and Kids’ Fun Run, Caribou. Aroostook Musterds Challenge Series Race #3. Registration: 8:30 a.m. at SW Collins, 6 Washburn Street. Start times: Kids’ Fun Run start: 9:00 a.m. Walk start: 9:45 a.m. Run start: 10:00 a.m. First 75 registrants receive t-shirt. Contact Leslie Jackson (207-496-6723) or FMI

*Friday, June 30
5th Annual LP Miracle Mile: Makenna and Maggie's Race for Research, Houlton. 1-mile downhill race for runners, walkers to raise money for research, awareness for Pediatric Cancer. Registration: online only. Check-in: 4:00 p.m. at Military Street Baptist Church. Race start: 6:00 p.m. on Drake's Hill; finish in Market Square. Contact Chris Rines (207-227-2813) or visit FMI

Ongoing Programs:

County Strides Running Group, Presque Isle. Sundays; 10:00 a.m. at various locations. Open to all abilities; be ready for an easy run of 30-45 minutes, and bring friends! Visit County Strides at FMI

C.R.X. Outdoor Adventure Program Open Registration, Caribou. Weekdays. Exciting outdoor activities for youth entering grades 5-11. June 17-19: Allagash. June 20-24: Kayaking I. June 29-July 2: Backpack Baxter. July 11-14: Kayaking II. July 18-21: Mountain Biking. July 26-28; Baxter State Park I. August 2-4: Baxter II. Cost/age: varies by program. Open to all area youth. Contact Neal Sleeper (207-493-4224) or FMI

Francis Malcolm Science Center Walk-in Tours, Easton. Weekdays; 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Experience our planetarium’s new, full-dome, digital projection system, featuring a 30-minute activity; 15 minutes in the star theater, 15 minutes to visit the facility at large. Cost: $5/visitor; reservations requested. Contact FMSC (207-488-5451) FMI

Sportsmen’s, Inc. Meeting, Stockholm. First Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at Axle Siding Clubhouse (intersection of Lake Street/Rt. 161). Outdoors men and women promoting the traditions of the outdoors. If you're interested in joining, you're welcome to attend as a guest. Kids are welcome too! Visit FMI

Friends of Aroostook National Wildlife Refuge Meeting, Limestone. Second Monday of each month; 6:00 p.m. at ANWR headquarters and Visitor’s Center, 97 Refuge Rd. Founded in 1998, Friends are involved in a number of volunteer projects on the ANWR in an effort to balance the enhancing of habitat with the public access privilege to enjoy wildlife in an unmolested environment. Contact Friends of ANWR (207-328-4634) or FMI

Tuesday Track Workouts, Caribou. Tuesdays; 5:15 p.m. at CHS. Join runners of all abilities to do predetermined intervals, your own workout, or just run with others and forget the workout. Average distance: 5-9 miles; can be adapted per individual. Contact PJ Gorneault FMI

Nordic Heritage Sport Club Meeting, Presque Isle. First Tuesday of each month; 6:00 p.m. at Nordic Heritage Center, 450 Fort Fairfield Rd. The club promotes healthy outdoor recreation, economic vitality in Central Aroostook County by providing first-class facilities and programs to area residents, athletes, visitors. Visit FMI

Presque Isle Fish and Game Club Meeting, Presque Isle. Last Tuesday of each month; 5:30 p.m. at PIFG clubhouse, Parsons Road. Established in 1947 to help protect, conserve, maintain and restore our natural resources as well as to protect and promote our outdoor heritage. Meetings include a delicious supper, cash bar, short business meeting. Visit FMI

Four Seasons Trail Association Meeting, Madawaska. First Wednesday of each month; 6:30 p.m. at Four Seasons Lodge, 425 Spring St. Non-profit organization dedicated to promotion of healthier lifestyles for this community; participation open to anyone interested. Visit FMI

Four Seasons Trail Association Walking Group, Madawaska. Wednesdays and Saturdays; 1:00 p.m. at Four Seasons Lodge, 425 Spring St. Bring lunch. Contact Jacqueline Soucy (207-728-7047) FMI

Fort Fairfield Frontier Fish and Game Club, Fort Fairfield. Second and fourth Wednesdays of each month (fourth Wednesdays during summer); 6:00 p.m. at FFFFG clubhouse on Monson Pond, 550 Dorsey Rd. Founded in 1958 to help conserve, protect, maintain, and restore our natural resources and to promote our outdoor heritage. Visit FMI

* = New or updated item(s)

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