Aroostook Outdoor News: 8.25.16 edition

In this edition: 1) A #5k #run and a history-filled #walk in #PresqueIsle. 2) A #MountainBike #MTB race in nearby New Brunswick #ExploreNB. 3) An adult river #kayaking trip in #Caribou. Plus lots more! #offugo...

#AroostookThing of the week: The Caribou Marathon on September 18 in Caribou

For many, it’s a bucket list item.

For most (okay, all) of us from Aroostook County, it requires a multi-day trip that starts and ends with at least a 4- or 5-hour drive to a race venue in a distant town or city.

But now, thanks to some local organizers and business sponsors, those who wish to take on the challenge of completing a marathon can do so via the Caribou Marathon – the first-ever USATF certified marathon in Aroostook County and the most northeastern qualifier in the United States – on  September 18 in Caribou, Maine.

The event is still a couple of weeks away, but it garners #AroostookThing of the Week status now, as the registration deadline is fast approaching – August 31.

So, it’s time to state the obvious here: no one is going to sign up for a marathon just days before the event without first having logged many miles of training. We get it.

But, the Caribou Marathon is more than just a 26.2-mile race. There are Half-Marathon, Kids’ Marathon, Push-Rim/Handcycle, and Relay categories, in addition to a whole weekend of race-related events, such as a huge street festival and a pre-race expo and spaghetti dinner – all of which are open to the public.

Even if you’re not a runner, or at least are not prepared to run a marathon, there are still myriad reasons to mark this event on your calendar

To find out more, contact Lydia Kieffer or

#AroostookNote: If you’re looking for something to do this weekend, check out, taking place this weekend in Presque Isle. Besides the affiliated color run, outdoor enthusiasts are sure to appreciate the beauty of dozens of colorful balloons above the breathtaking Aroostook landscape.

Saturday, August 27
UMPI/Wintergreen Arts Center Color Presque Isle 5k, Presque Isle. If life hands you color…run with it! The event is all about fun, fitness and the arts! The run drops colored powder on runners throughout the course; dress in white and let us supply the color! Registration: 8:00 a.m. at Riverside Park. Race start: 9:00 a.m. Cost: $30/person before 8/1; $40/person after 7/31; free/under 10. Contact Wintergreen Arts Center (207-762-3576) or visit FMI

Saturday, August 27
Crabbe Mountain/VeloNB Diddle Daddle DH and Enduro Race, Center Hainesville, NB. Registration: 9:00 a.m. at Crabbe Mountain Lodge. Course inspection: 9:30 a.m. DH race start: 10:30 a.m. Enduro race start: 1:30 p.m. Awards: 4:00 p.m. (all times Atlantic). Cost Online: $25/race, $40/both. Cost Race day: $30/race, $50/both. Non-VeloNB members must purchase 1-day VeloNB membership for $10. Visit FMI

Saturday, August 27
Caribou Rec. Take It Outside Series Adult Aroostook River Trip, Caribou. 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. The Aroostook River from Washburn to Presque Isle is a favorite destination for locals and visitors. Learn basic kayaking skills, paddle downstream, stop for lunch on the river at Rum Rapids. Cost: $10; includes transportation, gear. Preregistration, bag lunch, snacks required. Contact Neal Sleeper (207-493-4224) or FMI

Saturday, August 27
Presque Isle Historical Society Guided Historic Downtown Walking Tour, Presque Isle. 10:00 a.m.-Noon. Guided two-mile tour begins and ends at the 1875 Vera Estey House Museum, 16 Third Street, and covers over 30 historic sites and individuals. Reservations suggested. Fee: FREE; $2 donation suggested. Contact Kim Smith (207-762-1151) or visit FMI

Saturday, August 27
Aid for Kids Educational Fair, Houlton. 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. at Millar Civic Center. Events include SAFE archery, hands-on science project, Maine Forest Service helicopter, Smokey the Bear, Malcolm Science Center, marine touch tank, bounce house, games, prizes, free barbeque. Contact Houlton Rec. (207-532-1313) or visit FMI

*Saturday, August 27
Woodie Wheaton Land Trust Mushroom Talk, Walk & Dinner, Weston. Talk: 1:00 p.m. at First Settler’s Lodge. Ester Tozier shares knowledge of edible, toxic, medicinal mushrooms; discuss identification. Walk: 3:00 p.m. at East Grand Highlands Trailhead. Bring basket for gathering, sharp paring knife, notepad, pencil. Dinner: 5:30 p.m. at First Settler’s Lodge. Complimentary refreshments, appetizers. Contact WWLT (207-448-3250) or FMI

Sunday, August 28
Mizpah Walk-a-thon, Grand Isle. 4:00 p.m. at Mizpah on the Doucette Rd. A place to reflect, memorialize, and be at peace. The event includes taking a casual walk around the pond honoring our cancer survivors. Luminary candle bags in honor or memory of a loved one may be purchased for $5. Refreshments, free picnic 5:30-6.30 p.m. The highlight of the evening will take place at dusk when all the candles are lit around the pond. Everyone is invited! Call (207-316-3477) or (207-728-3129) FMI

*Tuesday, August 30-Wednesday, September 8
MSAD 27 Adult Ed. Firearms Hunter Safety Course, Fort Kent. Tuesdays and Thursdays; 6:00-9:00 p.m. each night at Fort Kent Community High School. Maine DIF&W Hunter Education is more than gun safety; taught by trained, certified instructors, students receive course handbook, outdoor survival info, and more. Course includes lectures and demonstrations, field experiences, and written exam. Cost: $10/person. Contact Fort Kent Adult Ed. (207-834-3536) FMI

Tuesday, August 30
Woodie Wheaton Land Trust Pizza & Film Night, Weston. 6:00 p.m. at Rideout’s Lakeside Lodge. Join volunteers, guests for pizza and "Hardwater," a film about a treasured Maine tradition that highlights ways in which ice fishing brings people together during the harshest of seasons. Portions of this award-winning movie filmed on East Grand Lake. In this Maine-made film, what happens above the ice is only half the story. Contact WWLT (207-448-3250) or FMI

Tuesday, August 30
Friends of Baxter State Park Book Release Celebration: Plants of Baxter State Park Field Guide, Millinocket. 7:00-8:30 p.m. at Millinocket Memorial Library, 5 Maine Ave. All are welcome; buy a copy of the field guide, have it autographed by lead author Glen Mittelhauser, and meet one or more of the other authors. Contact Friends of Baxter State Park FMI

Thursday, September 1
Caribou Rec. Take It Outside Series Adult Grand Falls Gorge/St. John River Boat Trip, Caribou. 8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Guided hike around NB’s Grand Falls Gorge; learn the history of what the falls meant to early settlers. 4-hour pontoon boat cruise above Grand Falls; eat lunch aboard the boat, enjoy the beauty of the natural landscape, wildlife. Cost: $50; includes lunch. Preregistration required. Contact Neal Sleeper (207-493-4224) or FMI

*Thursday, September 1
Friends of Baxter State Park Wilderness and Nature-Based Tourism Speaker Series: Moose Biology, Update on Maine’s Populations, Millinocket. 7:00-8:30 p.m. at BSP HQ, 64 Balsam Dr. Lee Kantar, ME DIF&W Moose Biologist and one of Maine's moose experts, will speak about different aspects of moose biology. Photographers, wildlife lovers, hikers, hunters, tourism industry staff especially invited to attend. Light refreshments provided. Visit FMI

*Friday, September 2-Monday, September 5
Sherman Old Home Days, Sherman. Saturday: Cancer Walk, 9:00 a.m. at the Bandstand. Sunday: F.A. Peabody Walk for Lyme Disease 9:00 a.m. at the Bandstand; Antler Show, 10:00 a.m. at the Town Office; Free Children’s Games & Bike Raffle, 1:00 p.m. Monday: Parade theme: Outdoor Recreation, 10:00 a.m. Contact Allison Roy (207-557-4365) or Steven Lane (207-365-4311) FMI

*Saturday, September 3
10th Annual Portage Lake Association Ring of Fire, Portage. Waterfront camp-owners are encouraged to have a campfire burning by 7:00 p.m. All fires must be contained by rocks, fire ring, etc. Invite family and friends to see the shore line of Portage Lake lit up by a "Ring of Fire." Contact Cindy or Ralph Miller (207-435-2098) FMI

Sunday, September 4
Half Marathon Festival, Saint-François, NB. Registration: 7:00 a.m. at 2033 Rue Commercial. Race start: 9:00 a.m. (all times Atlantic). Cost: $35/half marathon (21k), $25/8k, $20/5k, $6/3k, 1k/FREE before 8/27; $45/half marathon, $35/8k, $30/5k, $10/3k race day; includes chicken BBQ. First 100 half marathon and 8k registrants receive Sports Experts jersey. Contact Gaétane Duval (506-992-2780) or visit FMI

Monday, September 5
Viking Run, Caribou. Kids’ running races on the Caribou High School track; various distances according to age group. Registration: 8:00 a.m. Race start: 9:00 a.m. Contact Roy Alden (207-498-3563) or FMI

Monday, September 5
Caribou Labor Day Road Race, Caribou. 5k walk start: 10:30 a.m. 8k run start: 11:00 a.m. Meet at Caribou High School Ski Building. Contact Chris Smith (207-768-9472) or FMI

*Tuesday, September 6
Aroostook County Tourism Meet and Greet with Maine Tourism Association, Caribou. 12:00-2:00 p.m. at Northern Maine Development Commission, 11 W. Presque Isle Rd. Stop in for a bite to eat during a FREE meet and greet event with your local Chambers and Maine Tourism Assoc., who are working to increase our region's presence as a tourism destination; this is a chance for local businesses to get involved. Contact Joline Bell (207-623-0363 x211) or FMI

Tuesday, September 6-Thursday, September 14
SAD 1 Adult & Community Education Hunter Safety Course. Presque Isle. Tuesdays & Wednesdays: Sept. 6, 7, 13, 14; 6:00-9:00 p.m. at SAD 1 Adult & Community Education, 79 Blake St. Course topics: proper firearms handling (rifle/shotgun), survival/first aid, hunter responsibility, map and compass and landowner relations. Cost: $10. Contact SAD 1 Adult & Community Education (207-764-4776) FMI

*Wednesday, September 7 and Saturday, September 17
Presque Isle Fish & Game Club Hunter Safety Course, Presque Isle. Meets at PIF&G Clubhouse, 360 Parsons Road. On-site and home study course. Upon completion, junior hunters (10-16) and adults may apply for a hunting license; junior hunters need parent or guardian to sign their approval. All study materials are provided by Maine Department of Fisheries & Wildlife. Cost: FREE! Contact Peter Hilton (207-764-3933) or pmhilton@maine.rr or Dave Bell FMI

*Thursday, September 8
Friends of Baxter State Park Wilderness and Nature-Based Tourism Speaker Series: Photographing the Giants of the North, Millinocket. 7:00-8:30 p.m. at BSP HQ, 64 Balsam Dr. Guest speaker Mark Picard, pro photographer and owner of Moose Prints Gallery, discusses nature photography, with a particular focus on moose, as well as the Katahdin region’s creative economy, moose-related tourism. Light refreshments provided. Visit FMI

Friday, September 9
Friends of Baxter State Park Day Hike of the Owl, Millinocket. The Owl is a challenging day hike with spectacular views of Witherle Ravine and Katahdin. We’ll make the 6.6-mile round trip and enjoy lunch on the summit if conditions permit. Capacity: 11 Host: Aaron Megquier. Advance sign-up required; space is limited. Contact Sarah Holland FMI

Friday, September 9-Sunday, September 11
Appalachian Mountain Club Maine Weekend Getaway: Art & Outdoors Combined, Mt Chase. With comforts of bed, meals provided at Mt. Chase Lodge, participants choose from a range of foliage walks or hikes, artistic endeavors including drawing, printmaking in a welcoming space at the lodge. Participants do not need to be skilled artists or accomplished hikers. Cost: $225/person; includes lodging, meals. Contact Emily Davis FMI

*Friday, September 9
Presque Isle Historical Society Guided Historic Fairmount Cemetery Tour, Presque Isle. Meet at 5:30 p.m. at Central Aroostook Chamber of Commerce, 3 Houlton Road. 1.5-hour guided walking tour; discuss origins, Victorian influences, 30 local historic figures. Many hills on tour. Cost: $5; reservations required. Contact Kimberly Smith (207-762-1151) or visit FMI

Saturday, September 10
CompetitorME Sock it to C.A.N.C.E.R. Kids’ 1 Mile Fun Run, 5k Run/Walk, Presque Isle. An event to celebrate survivorship, offer hope to those currently battling cancer, show support for anyone with cancer, remember a loved one, and to show unity as a community for hope. This event recognizes all cancers. Registration: 7:00 a.m. at Mantle Lake Park. Fun Run start: 8:15 a.m. 5k start: 9:00 a.m. Visit FMI

*Saturday, September 10
Aroostook Birders Christina Reservoir Shorebirds Walk, Fort Fairfield. 8:00-11:00 a.m. Meet at reservoir access point on Conant (Townline) Rd. One of the best spots to see a diversity of migrating shorebirds; almost 20 different species seen here! Walk the dike and scan the shores at a peak time for species diversity and numbers; low water levels will provide ample habitat. Spotting scopes available. Rain or shine. Visit FMI

*Saturday, September 10
St. John Valley Out of the Darkness Walk, Fort Kent. Walk in memory or support of those who have lost someone to suicide. Suicide can be prevented. Join the movement! Registration: 9:00 a.m. at Fort Kent Lions' Pavilion. Walk start: 10:00 a.m.; balloon release to follow. Proceeds to American Foundation for Suicide Prevention to raise awareness, provide education and support to survivors of suicide loss, etc. Contact Jennifer Malmborg (207-231-4868) or FMI

*Saturday, September 10
Lower Brighton Wesleyan Church Community Fun Run & Jamboree, Lower Brighton, NB. Fun Run start: 10:00 a.m. (Atlantic Time) at Lower Brighton Wesleyan Church, 5860 Route 105. Activities also include: Free Lunch, Bouncy Houses and Games, Family Movie, Potluck Supper, Outdoor Live Music, Fireworks. Contact Lower Brighton Wesleyan Church (506-375-6421) FMI

Sunday, September 11
TAMC/UMPI/Healthy Aroostook Redy Youth Triathlon, Presque Isle. Competitors will swim, bike, and run on the UMPI campus in three different divisions; 7-9 year olds, 10-12 year olds, 13-14 year olds. Cost: $10/child. Pre-registration required. Visit FMI

Tuesday, September 13
Caribou Rec. Take It Outside Series Adult Mars Hill Wind Mill & Pineland Farms Tours, Caribou. Guided 1/2 mile walk up gradual terrain to the base of one of a giant windmill; SunEdison staff will be on site to answer questions. Break for lunch, then visit Pineland Farms Potato Co. and Cheese Facility for a guided tour with the company president. Preregistration required. Contact Neal Sleeper (207-493-4224) or FMI

Friday, September 18
Trails End Festival Hard Core Project, Millinocket. 7:00 a.m. at Appalachian Trail Lodge. A yearly festival tradition and a way to give back to the Appalachian Trail; work on the AT, earn a Trails End Hard Core patch, then enjoy a BBQ at the AT Lodge. It is a hard day's work but a lot of fun! Contact Appalachian Trail Lodge (207-723-4321) FMI

Friday, September 16-Sunday, September 18
Caribou Rec Xtreme North Maine Woods Fly Fishing Outing, Caribou. The North Maine Woods is full of hot fishing locations; some are so good that few have ever had a chance to experience them. Youth in grades 5-11 will spend two nights at Macannamac Sporting Camps on Spider Lake, fishing from canoes; must have own fly fishing equipment. Instruction provided.  Cost: $120; includes meals, not snacks. Contact Neal Sleeper (207-493-4224) or FMI

Saturday, September 17
Trails End Festival Millinocket Stream Canoe Trip, Millinocket. 10:00 a.m. at Crandall Park; carpool to put-in. Led by Registered Maine Guide Greg Friel. Limited number of canoes available, or bring your own canoe or kayak. All children must be accompanied by parent; young children must have own PFD. Contact Katahdin Area Chamber of Commerce (207-723-4443) FMI

Sunday, September 18
Caribou Marathon, Half Marathon and Kids’ Marathon, Caribou. First ever USATF certified Marathon in Aroostook County, and the most Northeastern Qualifier in the United States! Registration: online ONLY; ends August 31, at 11:59 p.m. Pre-race Dinner and Expo to be held Saturday, Sept. 17. Contact Lydia Kieffer or FMI

Sunday, September 18
Trails End Festival Hike the Bait Hole Trip, Millinocket. 9:30 a.m. at the bandstand in the park; join local trail expert Don Nodine for 60-90 minute hike on the Bait Hole Trail. Contact Katahdin Area Chamber of Commerce (207-723-4443) FMI

Tuesday, September 20
Caribou Rec. Take It Outside Series Adult Trip to Red River Camps, Caribou. Host Jen Brophy will provide a tour and sit-down lunch; learn the history of one of northern Maine’s hidden gems, nestled into a flurry of trout ponds and rugged mountains in Deboullie Twp.; visit nearby ponds, Red River Falls. Cost: $35; includes transportation, North Maine Woods access, meal. Preregistration required. Contact Neal Sleeper (207-493-4224) or FMI

*Tuesday, September 20 and Wednesday, September 21
MSAD 1 Adult Ed. GPS & Geocaching Course, Presque Isle. 6:00-8:00 p.m. at PIHS Room 411. An introductory class that will provide you with the basics to using a GPS navigational system. Join in on the fun as we test our skills with coordinates by finding hidden clues at our destination! Cost: $15. Contact LeRae Kinney (207-764-4776) or FMI

*Saturday, September 24
Presque Isle Historical Society Guided Historic Downtown Walking Tour, Presque Isle. 10:00 a.m.-Noon. This guided two-mile tour begins and ends at the 1875 Vera Estey House Museum, 16 Third Street, and covers over 30 historic sites and individuals. Fee: FREE; $2 donation suggested. Contact Kim Smith (207-762-1151) or visit FMI

*Wednesday, September 28 and Saturday, October 8
RSU 29 Adult Ed. Firearms Hunter Safety Course, Houlton. 6:00-9:00 p.m. on 9/28; 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. on 10/8 at Houlton High School Cafeteria. Maine DIF&W Hunter Education is more than gun safety; taught by trained, certified instructors, students receive course handbook, outdoor survival info, and more. Course includes lectures and demonstrations, field experiences, and written exam. Cost: $5/person. Contact Melody Gonya (207-521-3100) or FMI

Ongoing Programs:

Sentiers Madawaska Trails Blue Loop Challenge, Edmundston, NB. Always wanted to MTB race without stress, cost? This is for you! Open STRAVA account, register, come to the trails, follow blue arrows for 7.5k cross country-style course. Race as many times as you want from 7/2-8/26. 10 fastest in each of 4 categories: Men, Women, Junior Boys/Girls (16 and under) will be in a draw for $100 cash, held 8/29. Everyone welcome, not just locals! Visit FMI

Fort Kent Outdoor Center Road Bike Ride, Fort Kent. Sundays; 9:00 a.m. behind Irving on Main St. June-September. Rides last 2+ hours and range 20-40 miles. All riders welcome. Come join the fun and experience some great rides. Contact Norm Martin FMI

County Strides Running Group, Presque Isle. Sundays; 10:00 a.m. at various locations. Open to all abilities; be ready for an easy run of 30-45 minutes, and bring friends! Visit County Strides at FMI

Rivière-Bleue Appalachian Hiking Club Guided Bootlegger Trail Hike, Rivière-Bleue, QC. Fourth Sunday of each month; 1:30 p.m. at the end of Brissette Way. Hike to Long Lake. Visitors are invited to get acquainted with The Bootlegger trails, which will connect you with exceptional nature, islands, animals, and a magical setting. Cost: Free! Contact Marie-Jo Cormier (418-893-2859) or FMI

MOJO Monday Meander, Presque Isle. Mondays; 6:00 p.m. at MOJO Outdoor Sports, 30 North St. Easy road bike group ride. Average speed: 14-18 mph for 22 miles. Contact Mark Fullen (207-760-9500) or FMI

Nordic Heritage Sport Club Group Mountain Bike Ride, Presque Isle. Mondays; 6:00 p.m. at Nordic Heritage Center Lodge, 450 Fort Fairfield Road. Distance: 8-12 miles. All abilities welcome. Happy to show visitors our amazing trail system. Contact Tom Chasse (207-694-5222) or FMI

River Valley Runners Fun Run, Woodstock, NB. Mondays; 7:00 p.m. (Atlantic) at LP Fisher Library. Group fun run on “The Loop.” Pace: easy; approximately 4.9k. Visit FMI

Sportsmen’s, Inc. Meeting, Stockholm. First Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at Axle Siding Clubhouse (intersection of Lake Street/Rt. 161). Outdoors men and women promoting the traditions of the outdoors. If you're interested in joining, you're welcome to attend as a guest. Kids are welcome too! Visit FMI

Friends of Aroostook National Wildlife Refuge Meeting, Limestone. Second Monday of each month; 6:00 p.m. at ANWR headquarters and Visitor’s Center, 97 Refuge Rd. Founded in 1998, Friends are involved in a number of volunteer projects on the ANWR in an effort to balance the enhancing of habitat with the public access privilege to enjoy wildlife in an unmolested environment. Contact Friends of ANWR (207-328-4634) or FMI

LP Fisher Library Walking Club, Woodstock, NB. Tuesdays; 12:00 p.m. (Atlantic Time). A nice 30 minute (2.8k) jaunt, followed by 20 minutes of stretching led by our resident yoga teacher. All abilities, ages welcome (parents, bring your kids in strollers!). Stretches can be done on the floor with our mats or on chairs. Cost: Free! No sign up necessary. Rain or shine (unless it's really, really bad!). Get out this spring and get moving! Contact LP Fisher Library (506-325-4777) or FMI

Tuesday Track Workouts, Caribou. Tuesdays; 5:15 p.m. at CHS. Join runners of all abilities to do predetermined intervals, your own workout, or just run with others and forget the workout. Average distance: 5-9 miles; can be adapted per individual. Contact PJ Gorneault FMI

Jessome’s Friendly Group Road Bike Ride, Edmundston, NB. Tuesdays; 6:30 p.m. (Atlantic) at Jessome’s parking lot. Different routes/distances from 35k to 50k for intermediate to advanced riders. Average speed: 25-30 kmh. Contact Marc-André Martin (506 735-6292) FMI

Nordic Heritage Sport Club Meeting, Presque Isle. First Tuesday of each month; 6:00 p.m. at Nordic Heritage Center, 450 Fort Fairfield Rd. The club promotes healthy outdoor recreation, economic vitality in Central Aroostook County by providing first-class facilities and programs to area residents, athletes, visitors. Visit FMI

Madawaska Valley Adventure Club Meeting, Madawaska. Second Tuesday of each month; 6:30 p.m. at Four Seasons Lodge, 425 Spring St. Contact Real Deschaine (207-728-4992) FMI

Presque Isle Fish and Game Club Meeting, Presque Isle. Last Tuesday of each month; 5:30 p.m. at PIFG clubhouse, Parsons Road. Established in 1947 to help protect, conserve, maintain and restore our natural resources as well as to protect and promote our outdoor heritage. Meetings include a delicious supper, cash bar, short business meeting. Visit FMI

Nordic Heritage Sport Club Group Mountain Bike Ride, Presque Isle. Wednesdays; 6:00 p.m. at Nordic Heritage Center Fort Road trailhead, 450 Fort Fairfield Road. 8-12 miles. All abilities welcome. Happy to show visitors our amazing trail system. Contact Tom Chasse (207-694-5222) or FMI

MOJO Good Times Ride, Presque Isle. Wednesdays; 6:00 p.m. at MOJO Outdoor Sports, 30 North St. Moderate road bike group ride. Average speed: 15-18 mph for 20-30 miles. Contact Mark Fullen (207-760-9500) or FMI

Four Seasons Trail Association Meeting, Madawaska. First Wednesday of each month; 6:30 p.m. at Four Seasons Lodge, 425 Spring St. Non-profit organization dedicated to promotion of healthier lifestyles for this community; participation open to anyone interested. Visit FMI

Fort Fairfield Frontier Fish and Game Club, Fort Fairfield. Second and fourth Wednesdays of each month (fourth Wednesdays during summer); 6:00 p.m. at FFFFG clubhouse on Monson Pond, 550 Dorsey Rd. Founded in 1958 to help conserve, protect, maintain, and restore our natural resources and to promote our outdoor heritage. Visit FMI

River Valley Runners Fun Run, Woodstock, NB. Thursdays; 7:00 p.m. (Atlantic) at LP Fisher Library. Group fun run on “The Loop.” Pace: easy; approximately 4.9k. Visit FMI

Bike Board and Ski Road Bike Ride, Presque Isle. Saturdays; 7:30 a.m. at BB&S rear entrance behind Northeastland Hotel. 20-30 miles; 1.5-2 hours. Pace: moderate to fast; 16-18 mph. All abilities ride; no mountain bikes. Focus on improving group riding skills, safety and etiquette. Spirited at times, but we regroup several times along the way. Contact Andrew Bouchard (207-551-7027) or FMI

River Valley Runners Fun Run, Woodstock, NB. Saturdays; 8:30 a.m. (Atlantic) at LP Fisher Library. Group fun run on “The Loop.” Pace: easy; approximately 4.9k. Visit FMI

* = New or updated item(s).

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