Aroostook Outdoor News: 4.21.16 edition

Clear your calendar! There are more than 50 #outdoors #ThingsToDo in the next month! #GetAfterIt!

In this edition: 1) #Earth Day #CleanUp events in #Caribou and #FortKent. 2) #Birding opportunities in #FortFairfield and #Limestone. 3) Learn about local #history with a #WalkingTour in #PresqueIsle. Plus lots more! #AroostookThing #offugo...

Thursday, April 21
Fort Fairfield Public Library Kids' Introduction to Mammal Tracking, Fort Fairfield. 1:00 p.m. at Fort Fairfield Public Library, 339 Main St. Spring is here and animals are on the move! Make the most of mud season with a fun look at tracking mammals. Explore different clues to help identify animal signs, learn how to draw tracks, and more! This program is suited for ages 6-14. Contact Fort Fairfield Public Library (207-472-3880) FMI

*Friday, April 22
Caribou Citizen/Northern Maine Pagan Pride Association Earth Day Park Clean Up, Caribou. 3:00 p.m. at Collins Pond Park Picnic Area, Lower Roberts St. Join us as we help welcome spring and do our part to clean up Mother Earth – volunteer your time picking up the park! Trash bags provided. Dress warm, bring gloves, positive attitude! All ages welcome. This is a non-denominational event. Contact Meagan Irving (207-554-6405) or Contact Sherri Arey (207-325-1481) FMI

Friday, April 22
Bad Moon on the Run II, Mars Hill. 6:00-10:00 p.m. at Bigrock, 37 Graves Road. Hosted by Chris Robinson and David Goodrich; run up the mountain and amongst the windmills with our group. Meet at the gate and up we all go. Choose your miles. Visit FMI

*Saturday, April 23
Ann King Cary Donor Dash 5k, Caribou. Annual Walk/Run for Organ and Tissue Awareness. Registration: 8:00 a.m. at Griffeth Ford. Walk start: 9:00 a.m. Run start: 9:30 a.m. First 100 registrants get a t-shirt; refreshments at Cary following the event. Contact Dean Cote (207-498-1282) FMI

Saturday, April 23
Aroostook Birders Waterfowl Walk, Fort Fairfield. 8:00-11:00 a.m. at Riverside Park. Rain or shine. Join us for a leisurely morning spent birding along the Aroostook River and other popular area sites for waterfowl and early spring arrivals. Non-strenuous series of short drives; a great way to discover some excellent birding spots. Contact Bill Sheehan (207-227-7301) or FMI

*Saturday, April 23
Friends of Aroostook National Wildlife Refuge Bluebird Box Clean Out Day, Limestone. 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at Aroostook National Wildlife Refuge Headquarters, 97 Refuge Road. Great chance to help out, give back to the birds; crew needed to assist, along with a need for one more pick-up truck. If no one is at the office head to the shop. Contact ANWR (207-328-4634) or visit FMI

Saturday, April 23
St. John Vianney Parish Community Clean Up, Fort Kent. 9:00-11:00 a.m. Meet at St. Louis and St. Joseph Church parking lots; rain or shine. In honor of Earth Day, our parish is gathering to pick up trash in our communities. Clean up your own neighborhood, or join others in cleaning up community trails, roadways, common areas. Rubber gloves provided. Wear appropriate clothing and prepare to get dirty! Pizza lunch served at 11:30 a.m. Contact St. John Vianney Parish (207-834-5656) FMI

Saturday, April 23
Presque Isle Historical Society Guided Historic Downtown Walking Tour, Presque Isle. 10:00 a.m.-Noon. Guided two-mile tour begins and ends at the 1875 Vera Estey House Museum, 16 Third Street, and covers over 30 historic sites and individuals. Reservations suggested. Fee: FREE; $2 donation suggested. Contact Kim Smith (207-762-1151) or visit FMI

Friday, April 29
Knowlesville Art & Nature School Parent/Child Art & Nature Morning, Knowlesville, NB. 9:30 a.m.-Noon (Atlantic Time) at KAN Centre, 111 Simms Rd. Join us for a morning of fun! Program is aimed at children 3 and under and their parent(s). We will be baking bread, painting, singing, dancing, sharing in snack time and letting the kids be free to have their own inspired fun. We will also go for a nature walk. Come add to the fun! Cost: $10 to cover food and supplies. Visit FMI

Saturday, April 30
Aroostook Autism Support Group Autism Challenge, Presque Isle. Registration: 8:15 a.m. at Presque Isle Middle School. 1-mile Kids’ Fun Run start: 9:30 a.m. 5k Run/Walk start: 10:00 a.m. Fully supported race with awards. Fee: $5/Kids’ Fun Run entries, $25/person; t-shirt to first 100 5k athletes and first 25 Kids’ Fun Runners. Proceeds benefit Aroostook Autism Support Group. Contact Jonathan Kelley FMI

Saturday, April 30
Meduxnekeag River Canoe Race, Houlton. Approx. 8 miles; whitewater. Finish at third Bridge in Downtown Houlton. 2016 Maine Downriver Championship Series Point Race. Registration: 8:00 a.m. at Wellington's on the Station Road in New Limerick. Race start: 10:00 a.m. Fee: $15/adult; $10/youth. First 60 registrants get a free t-shirt. Awards, door prizes, lunch provided! Contact Jane Torres (207-532-4216) or FMI

*Saturday, April 30
2nd Annual Donate Life America/Houlton Regional Hospital 5k Run/Walk, Houlton. Working together to raise awareness for organ and tissue donation. In honor of Hannah Mooers. Registration: 9:00 a.m. at Millar Civic Center. Race start: 10:00 a.m. Cost: $10; includes t-shirt (limited quantity; first come, first serve). Feel free to wear a Pink t-shirt in Hannah’s honor instead with a $5 registration fee. Contact Tammy Farwell (207-694-0521) FMI

Saturday, April 30
Friends of Baxter State Park Earth Day Clean Up, Millinocket. Volunteer sign-in at Baxter State Park Authority headquarters, 64 Balsam Drive, at 9:00 a.m. The general public is invited to join the annual Baxter State Park Roadside Litter Patrol from Millinocket to Togue Pond Gate. Bring a lunch and join other volunteers at Park Headquarters after the cleanup; drinks and snacks provided. Contact Friends of Baxter State Park FMI

Saturday, April 30
Francis Malcolm Science Center Galaxy of Stars Open House, Easton. 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. at the Science Center, 776 Houlton Rd. The sky is the ultimate art gallery just above us; you’re invited to celebrate the installation of a new digital projection system in the planetarium theater. The upgraded planetarium will enable the center to offer new, exciting programs to thousands of children and adults each year! Contact Francis Malcolm Science Center (207-488-5451) FMI

Sunday, May 1
5th Annual Knights of Columbus Polar Dip for Special Olympics, Sinclair. Registration: 11:00 a.m. at Long Lake Sporting Club. Polar Dip: 12:00 p.m. Open to all; must raise at least $1. T-shirt for $50 or more in pledges; highest total wins $100 Sporting Club gift cert. “Chicken Pool” available for those who do not wish to jump into the lake. Contact Duane Belanger (207-951-2874) or or visit FMI

Sunday, May 1
4th Annual Safe Homes Aroostook 5k Run/Walk, Presque Isle. Registration: 12:00 p.m. at UMPI’s Gentile Hall. Race start: 1:00 p.m. Cost: $20. Participants encouraged to solicit pledges; individuals, teams raising most funds receive prizes. Only participants who register online are guaranteed to receive an event t-shirt. Proceeds go directly to Hope & Justice Project and Homeless Services of Aroostook. Visit FMI

Monday, May 2
C.R.X. Outdoor Adventure Program Open Registration, Caribou. Exciting outdoor activities for youth entering grades 5-11. June 17-19: Allagash. June 20-24: Kayaking I. June 29-July 2: Backpack Baxter. July 11-14: Kayaking II. July 18-21: Mountain Biking. July 26-28; Baxter State Park I. August 2-4: Baxter II. Cost/age: varies by program. Open to all area youth. Contact Neal Sleeper (207-493-4224) or FMI

Tuesday, May 3
Caribou Rec/Healthy You Owl Prowl & Night Sounds Field Trip, Caribou. Listen for owls using audio enhancement tools while exploring a local forest. Meet at Caribou Wellness Center at 6:45 p.m. Open to all ages. Rain or shine. Cost: FREE! Includes transportation. Headlamps/flashlights strongly recommended; walking over relatively flat land that may have puddles, mud. Contact Neal Sleeper (207-493-4224) or FMI

Friday, May 6
Knowlesville Art and Nature School Discovery Day, Knowlesville, NB. 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. (Atlantic Time). Full day program for elementary school children who would like to experience Art & Nature schooling firsthand. Painting, forest discovery walks, gardening, nature craft. Cost: $20/child; lunch provided. Pre-registration required. Contact Knowlesville Art and Nature School (506-375-8623) or visit FMI

Friday, May 6-Sunday, May 8
International Appalachian Trail Maine Chapter (IAT-ME) Annual Meeting/Program, Presque Isle. The IAT includes hiking trails in 17 countries on both sides of the Atlantic, from the U.S. (Maine) to Morocco! All of the IAT in Maine (Mount Chase to Fort Fairfield) is located in The County; we’d love for more County people to become involved by attending the meeting, and/or becoming a member. Contact Cheryl St. Peter or visit FMI

Saturday, May 7
UMPI Outing Club Rock Climbing Trip, Acadia National Park. Enjoy the thrill, adventure, sense of accomplishment as you climb the beautiful granite cliffs of Acadia National Park! No experience required; beginner climbers should spend time at our indoor rock wall to practice basic skills necessary for the trip. Fee: $30/UMPI student; $45/non-student; transportation, guide services, snacks, gear provided. Contact Amanda Baker (207-768-9401) or FMI

Saturday, May 7
Community Voices 3rd Annual High On Life 420 Run, Fort Kent. 5k run/walk for all ages and abilities. Registration: 8:00 a.m. at FK Community High School. Supervised children's activities: 8:30-9:30 a.m. Walk start: 8:45 a.m. Race start: 9:00 a.m. Cost: $15/Individual, $25/Family (3 or more), $10/Group (business, team, organizations, etc.; price per participant). Proceeds support Community Voices substance abuse prevention programs. Contact Mark Shea FMI

Saturday, May 7
UMFK Jim Grandmaison Bike Tour, Fort Kent. Enjoy beautiful scenery from Fort Kent to Soldier Pond to Eagle Lake; 16-mile or 33-mile ride options. All riders should wear blue. Registration: 10:00 a.m. on the UMFK Campus. Tour start: 11:00 a.m. Pre-registration recommended. Cost: $10/high school student, $15/UMFK student, $35/non-student, $100/Family; includes post-ride barbeque. Contact Frantzceau Germain (631-960-6373) or FMI

*Saturday, May 7
Spring Fling, Limestone. 6:00 p.m. at Limestone United Methodist Church, Burleigh Ave. Former Baxter State Park Ranger and author Tim Caverly will be speaking of his experiences. He will also have copies of his books and CDs available. Following his presentation homemade pies will be served. Contact Barb Gallagher (207-328-7491) FMI

Tuesday, May 10
Southern Aroostook Historical & Art Museum/RSU 29/70 Adult Ed. Historic Walking Tour, Houlton. 10:00-11:00 a.m. Meet in front of Aroostook County Historical and Art Museum, 109 Main Street. Museum open immediately after walk for tours and browsing. Leigh Cummings, Guide. Group size limited; pre-registration required. Contact RSU 29/70 Adult Ed. (207-521-3100, ext. 5) or visit FMI

Wednesday, May 11
Aroostook Birders/Caribou Rec Collins Pond Bird Watching Outing, Caribou. 7:00-8:00 a.m. rain or shine; please dress appropriately for weather. Meet at Collins Pond picnic area, lower Roberts St. Light walking; warbler exploration around perimeter of pond. Cost: FREE! Includes free bird call to all participants. Binoculars, bird books available on a first-come first-serve basis. Drawing for a free pair of binoculars. Contact Bill Sheehan (207-227-7301) or FMI

Wednesday, May 11 and Saturday, May 21
Presque Isle Fish & Game Club Hunter Safety Course, Presque Isle. Meets at PIF&G Clubhouse, 360 Parsons Road. This is an on-site and home study course. Upon completion, junior hunters (10-16) and adults may apply for a hunting license; junior hunters will need a parent or guardian to sign their approval. All study materials are provided by Maine Department of Fisheries & Wildlife. Cost: FREE! Contact Dick Fortier (207-496-1221) or Peter Hilton (207-764-3933) FMI

Friday, May 13
PI Historical Society Guided Historic Fairmount Cemetery Tour, Presque Isle. Meet at 5:30 p.m. at Central Aroostook Chamber of Commerce, 3 Houlton Road. 1.5-hour guided walking tour; discuss origins, Victorian influences, 30 local historic figures. Many hills on tour. Cost: $5; reservations required. Contact Kimberly Smith (207-762-1151) or visit FMI

Saturday, May 14
Aroostook Birders Perham Bog/Salmon Brook Lake Birding Hike, Perham. 7:00-11:00 a.m. Meet at Perham Town Office for a 3-mile round trip excursion along the railroad trail and boardwalk in this interesting ecological reserve. Birders should bring proper clothing, snacks and water for this rain or shine event. Contact Bill Sheehan (207-227-7301) or FMI

Saturday, May 14
9th Annual Aroostook River Fun Run Canoe and Kayak Race, Washburn. 8 miles; flat water. Family oriented. Come explore the natural beauty of the Aroostook River and test your endurance! Registration: 8:00 a.m. at Washburn public boat landing. Race mass start: 10:00 a.m. Race ends at Presque Isle Fish and Game Club. Cost: $10/advance, $15/race day; includes barbeque lunch, t-shirt to first 75 registrants. Visit FMI

Saturday, May 14
Baskahegan Stream Canoe/Kayak Race, Danforth. 34 miles; flat water. Kossuth to Bancroft. Runs in conjunction with East Grand Adventure Race as a paddle-only option. Check-in: 7:00 a.m. at East Grand School Gym. Pre-registration required. Cost: $20/pre-registration, $30/day-of-race Contact Dave Conley (207-551-8729) or visit FMI

Saturday, May 14
East Grand Adventure Race, Danforth. 20 miles; off-trail compass run, mountain bike, paddle. Challenges include river traverse, mud crawl, tomahawk throw, log roll, cross-cut saw; earn minutes off overall course time. 8 Divisions: High School, Adult. Check-in: 7:30 a.m. at East Grand School Gym. Cost: $20/pre-registration, $30/day-of-race; includes trophies, t-shirts, lunch, and $1,000+ in prizes. Contact Dave Conley (207-551-8729) or visit  FMI

Saturday, May 14
Friends of Aroostook National Wildlife Refuge Vernal Pool Walk, Limestone. 10:00 a.m.-Noon at ANWR Visitors Center, 97 Refuge Road. ANWR staff will lead a short hike to view salamanders, frogs and their egg masses, and discuss the importance of vernal pools in northern Maine. Waterproof boots recommended. Cost: FREE! Contact ANWR (207-328-4634) or visit FMI

*Sunday, May 15
Got Guts? For Crohn's & Colitis 5k Walk/Run and Kids’ 1-mile Fun Run, Presque Isle. Join local team members from Team Challenge NE to raise money for Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. Registration: 8:30 a.m. at TAMC, 140 Academy St. Kids’ Fun Run start: 9:30 a.m. 5k Walk start: 10:00 a.m. 5k Run start: 10:15 a.m. Cost: FREE/Kids’ Fun Run, $15/pre-registration, $20/day of race. Visit FMI

Sunday May 15
9th Annual Knowlesville Art & Nature School Kite Festival, Knowlesville, NB. 12:00-4:00 p.m. (Atlantic Time) in the hayfield at 111 Simms Rd, Knowlesville, NB. Bring a picnic lunch and a kite (or borrow one of ours) and enjoy the afternoon visiting, and making, friends. All are welcome. Cost: FREE! Hope to see you there! Visit FMI

*Wednesday, May 18
Caribou Rec/Healthy You Bird Caribou Bog Watching Trip, Caribou. 7:00-8:00 a.m. at Aroostook Valley Rail Trail parking lot on Washburn Rd.; short walk to birding area. Open to all ages. Rain or shine. Cost: FREE! Includes free bird call. Limited binoculars, bird books available. Contact Neal Sleeper (207-493-4224) or FMI

*Saturday, May 21
Woodstock Rec Spring Run-Off 5k, Woodstock, NB. Registration 8:00 a.m. at Woodstock Farm Market, 220 King St. Race start: 9:00 a.m. (all times Atlantic). Small Strides, Healthy Lives 500m/1k Kids’ Race; for youths 14 and under. We encourage everyone to come out to run or walk. Cost: $10, Kids’ races: FREE!  Prizes and refreshments at the finish line. Contact Woodstock Rec (506-325-4307) or FMI

*Saturday, May 21
Hodgdon High School My School Color Run FUNdraiser, Houlton. Registration: 8:00 a.m. at Houlton Rec. Center. Run start: 9:00 a.m. This is an untimed fun run. Runners pass through several color stations throughout the course and end with a color toss. Cost: $35/before May 13, $45/after May 12. Contact Anita Levesque (207-694-0314) or or visit FMI

*Saturday, May 21
CompetitorME Run For Heroes, Presque Isle. 8:00 a.m. at County Physical Therapy, 5 North Street. Kids’ 1-mile Fun Run and 5k Run/Walk to support current and past U.S. service members. All proceeds to Northern Maine Veterans Cemetery. Veterans encouraged to wear camouflage as a symbol of their service. Fee: $5/Kids’ Fun Run, $25/5k. Visit FMI

*Saturday, May 21
Life By Design Pathway to Recovery Walk, Presque Isle. 1:00 p.m. at Riverside Park. There are many paths individuals in recovery, people seeking recovery, families take to address substance use disorders. Taking the first step can lead to healthier individuals, families, communities. Please join us to celebrate those on the road to recovery and remember those who we have lost. Contact Kelley Johnston (207-764-6825) or visit FMI

Sunday, May 22
Madawaska River Run, Stockholm. Registration: 9:00 a.m. at the bridge on the Little Madawaska Lake Road in Westmanland. Race start: 11:00 a.m. Race ends at Stockholm American Legion. Cost: $15/person; includes t-shirt. $12/extra t-shirt. Visit “Madawaska River Run” on Facebook FMI

*Sunday, May 22
Meduxnekeag River Association Wildflower Walk, Woodstock, NB. Our popular annual Wildflower Walk will meet at Bell Forest, 200 Bell Settlement Rd, Belleville at 1:30 p.m. (Atlantic Time). Allow at least two hours. Contact Meduxnekeag River Association (506-328-8227) or or visit FMI

*Monday, May 23
Meduxnekeag River Association Canoe Float, Woodstock, NB. This year's slow canoe float down the Meduxnekeag River is planned for Victoria Day, weather permitting. Contact Meduxnekeag River Association (506-328-8227) or or visit FMI

Ongoing Programs:

County Strides Running Group, Presque Isle. Sundays; 10:00 a.m. at various locations. Open to all abilities; be ready for an easy run of 30-45 minutes, and bring friends! Visit County Strides at FMI

Sportsmen’s, Inc. Meeting, Stockholm. First Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at Axle Siding Clubhouse (intersection of Lake Street/Rt. 161). Outdoors men and women promoting the traditions of the outdoors. If you're interested in joining, you're welcome to attend as a guest. Kids are welcome too! Visit FMI

Friends of Aroostook National Wildlife Refuge Meeting, Limestone. Second Monday of each month; 6:00 p.m. at ANWR headquarters and Visitor’s Center, 97 Refuge Rd. Founded in 1998, Friends are involved in a number of volunteer projects on the ANWR in an effort to balance the enhancing of habitat with the public access privilege to enjoy wildlife in an unmolested environment. Contact Friends of ANWR (207-328-4634) or FMI

*LP Fisher Library Walking Club, Woodstock, NB. Tuesdays; 12:00 p.m. (Atlantic Time). A nice 30 minute (2.8k) jaunt, followed by 20 minutes of stretching led by our resident yoga teacher. All abilities, ages welcome (parents, bring your kids in strollers!). Stretches can be done on the floor with our mats or on chairs. Cost: Free! No sign up necessary. Rain or shine (unless it's really, really bad!). Get out this spring and get moving! Contact LP Fisher Library (506-325-4777) or FMI

Nordic Heritage Sport Club Meeting, Presque Isle. First Tuesday of each month; 6:00 p.m. at Nordic Heritage Center, 450 Fort Fairfield Rd. The club promotes healthy outdoor recreation, economic vitality in Central Aroostook County by providing first-class facilities and programs to area residents, athletes, visitors. Visit FMI

Madawaska Valley Adventure Club Meeting, Madawaska. Second Tuesday of each month; 6:30 p.m. at Four Seasons Lodge, 425 Spring St. Contact Real Deschaine (207-728-4992) FMI

Presque Isle Fish and Game Club Meeting, Presque Isle. Last Tuesday of each month; 5:30 p.m. at PIFG clubhouse, Parsons Road. Established in 1947 to help protect, conserve, maintain and restore our natural resources as well as to protect and promote our outdoor heritage. Meetings include a delicious supper, cash bar, short business meeting. Visit FMI

Four Seasons Trail Association Meeting, Madawaska. First Wednesday of each month; 6:30 p.m. at Four Seasons Lodge, 425 Spring St. Non-profit organization dedicated to promotion of healthier lifestyles for this community; participation open to anyone interested. Visit FMI

Fort Fairfield Frontier Fish and Game Club, Fort Fairfield. Second and fourth Wednesdays of each month (fourth Wednesdays during summer); 6:00 p.m. at FFFFG clubhouse on Monson Pond, 550 Dorsey Rd. Founded in 1958 to help conserve, protect, maintain, and restore our natural resources and to promote our outdoor heritage. Visit FMI

*Manes and Tails North Open House/Open Horse Brush Hours, Van Buren. Saturdays in April; 1:00-3:00 p.m. at Manes and Tails North at Perfect Ponies Leaning Center, 489 Main St. Come visit, pet (and hug) horses. No fees, just fun. Family activity from toddlers to grandparents. Dress for mud season. Rain or shine. Contact Nancy Dumond Violette (207-868-5324) FMI

* = New or updated item(s).

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