Aroostook Outdoor News: 2.5.15 edition

#GroundHogDay: six more weeks of winter, but we know better. Spring snow showers bring June flowers. #LoveWinter!

In this edition: 1) The first official 5k of the year is this weekend. 2) Explore the Katahdin region in winter next weekend. 3) Great Maine Outdoor Weekend events are coming up in mid-February. Plus lots more! offugo...

Friday, February 6-Sunday, February 8
Moosestompers Weekend, Houlton
Activities include: Moonlight Snowshoe Hike, Giant Sliding Hill, Family Snowman Building Contest, Wild Katahdin Trust Snow Run, Cross-country Skiing, Cardboard Derby Race, Giant Bonfire, and more! Visit FMI

Saturday, February 7
31st Annual Wild Katahdin Trust Snow Run, Houlton
First race in the Aroostook Musterds County Challenge Series. Registration: 9:00 a.m. at Millar Arena. 2-mile walk start: 10:45 a.m. 5k run start: 11:00 a.m. Cost: $12. T-shirts to first 50 registrants. Contact Larry Tonzi FMI

Saturday, February 7
Florenceville-Bristol Tourism SnowBlast, Florenceville, NB
This event is a blast for the entire family to celebrate winter! Activities: youth/adult cardboard classic, snowshoe hikes, taffy on the snow, wacky snow games, food court, sliding, and more. Contact Florenceville-Bristol Tourism (506-392-6763) or visit FMI

Thursday, February 12-Sunday, February 15
Katahdin Communities Outing Club Head North Ski Weekend, Mt. Chase
10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. each day at Matagamon Ski Trails, end of Matagamon Rd. Join us for groomed trails along the East Branch of the Penobscot and fun activities. Ski equipment available. Cost: $5/day suggested donation. Contact Susan Adams (207-852-1291) or FMI

Saturday, February 14
River Valley Runners Cupid Run for Haiti, Woodstock, NB
Registration: 9:30 a.m. at St. Gertrude’s Hall, 111 St. Gertrude St. Cost: donation. Contact River Valley Runners FMI

Saturday, February 14
NMMC/FSTA Rally in the Valley Winter Festival, Madawaska
Kids of all ages are invited to attend a fun outdoor snow day; skiing, snowshoeing, tubing, games, and more! Registration: 10:00 a.m. at Four Seasons Lodge. Event: 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Cost: $5; includes t-shirt and water bottle. Contact Gail Lamarr (207-834-1459) or FMI

Saturday, February 14
Limestone Ski Club C-Me-Ski – Aroostook Cup #3, Limestone
A great classic tour and race. Distances: .5k-2k/ages 12 and under; 7k/ages 13-18; 21k/adults. Registration: 12:00 p.m. at Aroostook National Wildlife Refuge. Youth race start: 1:00 p.m. Adult race start: 1:30 p.m. Cost: $10/adult; FREE/youth. Contact Limestone Ski Club (207-328-7491) FMI

Saturday, February 21
Fort Kent Outdoor Center Winter Women’s Day, Fort Kent
9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Skiing and snowshoeing lessons, yoga or other fitness programs, food and snacks, and a guest speaker. Fee: $20/club members; $25/non-members. Contact Laura Audibert FMI

Saturday, February 21
Aroostook State Park Winter Family Fun Day, Presque Isle
10:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. Cross country skiing, snowshoeing, ice skating (bring skates), sliding, snowmobile tote-rides, nature walks, warming hut, bonfire, hot food, and Smokey the Bear. Fee: $1.50/person ages 12-64; all others FREE. Contact Aroostook State Park (207-768-8341) FMI

Saturday, February 28–Sunday, March 1
February Frolic Ski Festival – Aroostook Cups #4 & #5, Caribou
Get ready for one big weekend of winter fun! Planned events include Aroostook Youth Ski Festival, Aroostook League Middle School Ski Sprints, Maine State Ski Sprints (A-Cup #4), Henry Anderson Ski Dag (A-Cup #5), and MUCH more! Contact Mark Shea (207-498-9952) or FMI

Ongoing Programs:

Sunday Saunter Running Group, Presque Isle
Sundays; 10:00 a.m. at UMPI's Gentile Hall. Open to all abilities; be ready for an easy run of 30-45 minutes, and bring friends! Contact Jonathan Kelley FMI

Van Buren Rec. Youth Hockey, Van Buren
Sundays; 11:00 a.m. and Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays; 3:30 p.m. at the Van Buren Ice Skating Rink (weather permitting). Come play hockey outdoors! Donations of “real” ice hockey sticks, helmets, pads, would be greatly appreciated! Contact Michael "Miles" Garcia (207-868-5059) or FMI

Bootlegger Snowshoe Hike, Rivière-Bleue, QC
Sundays; fourth Sunday of the month at 1:30 p.m. (Eastern Time) at the end of Path Brissette. Get to know the magical setting of the Bootlegger trails on this guided hike. Contact Jean Lebrun (418-893-1033) or FMI

10th Mountain Outdoor Club Jalbert Pee Wee Biathlon Program, Fort Kent
Tuesdays; 4:00 p.m. at Fort Kent Outdoor Center. Open to youth ages 9 and under. Kids will learn basic skate skiing skills, go on ski adventures, and play LOTS of games! Cost: FREE! Contact Gail Johnson FMI

10th Mountain Outdoor Club Jalbert Youth Biathlon Program, Fort Kent
Tuesdays; 6:00 p.m. at Fort Kent Outdoor Center. Open to youth ages 10-14; roller skiing, rifle shooting, trail running, and LOTS of games! Cost: FREE! Contact Gail FMI

MWSC Active Maine Project Adult Nordic Program, Fort Kent
Tuesdays; 6:00 p.m. at Fort Kent Outdoor Center. The program runs January 20-February 10 and is a fun, social way to improve your ski skills. Cost: $55. Contact Mike Smith (207-227-0250) or FMI

MWSC Active Maine Project Adult Nordic Program, Presque Isle
Thursdays; 6:00 p.m. at Nordic Heritage Center. The program runs January 22-February 12 and is a fun, social way to improve your ski skills. Cost: $55. Contact Mike Smith (207-227-0250) or FMI

Lonesome Pines Trails Junior Ski Program, Fort Kent
Saturdays; 9:30-11:30 a.m. For grades K-8; runs for eight weeks, starting Jan. 31. Fee: $45; includes sweatshirt and fee waiver for LPT Annual Invitational Race on March 21. Contact Mike Voisine (207-834-5202) or FMI

Nordic Heritage Sport Club Youth XC Ski Program, Presque Isle
Saturdays; 10:00-11:30 a.m. Starts January 10. Join us for a fun-filled free ski lesson! Grades K-8 welcome; ages 5 and under invited if with adult. Lessons designed for all levels. Visit FMI

Four Seasons Trail Association Youth Ski Program, Madawaska
Saturdays; 1:00 p.m. at Four Seasons Lodge. Visit FMI

Bigrock Multi-week Youth Lesson Programs, Mars Hill
Saturdays and Sundays; time and cost varies. 10-week programs start first Saturday in January. Specially designed for junior skiers/snowboarders of all abilities, including firsttimers; focus on developing fundamentals in a safe, funfilled environment. Contact Ryan Guerrette (207-425-6711) FMI

* = New or updated item(s).

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