Aroostook Outdoor News: 1.29.15 edition

#Snow, glorious snow! #Juno gave us just enough, and #Kari keeps it coming. #LoveWinter!

In this edition: 1) Ladies: the women’s ski day in PQI is full, but you can still sign up for the awesome event in FK later this month. 2) Hunters: archery and firearms safety classes are coming up in Caribou. 3) Mooses: watch out for winter warriors at Moosestompers in Houlton. Plus lots more! offugo...

*Thursday, January 29- Friday, February 13
Hartland Winterfest 2015, Hartland, NB
Activities: Adult Outdoor Curling Bonspiel, Sliding Party at Covered Bridge Country Club, Family Snowshoeing, Adult Full Moon Cross Country Ski, Snowshoe & Poker Rally. Visit FMI

Thursday, January 29
River Valley Runners Guest Speaker Series, Woodstock, NB
7:00 p.m. (Atlantic) at Woodstock High School. Guest speakers: Registered Dietitian Andrea Anderson and Physiotherapist Meredith Patterson. All are welcome. Cost: $5/non club members. Contact River Valley Runners FMI

Thursday, January 29
UMPI Enviro Studies Lecture; The River Wolf and the Blue Pearl: Endangered Salmonids in Mongolia, Presque Isle
7:00 p.m. at the Campus Center. Dr. Olaf Jensen's talk will focus on several of Mongolia's fish currently at risk, including the Hucho taimen, the largest trout in the world. Contact the UMPI Community and Media Relations Office (207-768-9452) FMI

Sunday, February 1
Aroostook Women's Ski Day, Presque Isle
9:00 a.m. at Nordic Heritage Center. AWSD offers a full day of outdoor and indoor activities. Clinic choices: skiing (classic & freestyle/skate), snowshoeing, yoga, meditation, workshop focusing on fueling the body. Fee: $45. Contact Heidi Bartley (207-551-1705) or FMI

Tuesday, February 3 and Wednesday, February 18
Caribou Adult Ed. Firearms Hunter Safety Course, Caribou
Maine DIF&W Hunter Education is more than gun safety; taught by trained, certified instructors, students receive course handbook, outdoor survival info, and more. Course includes lectures and demonstrations, field experiences, and written exam. Contact Caribou Adult Ed. (207-493-4272) FMI

Wednesday, February 4 and Thursday, February 19
Caribou Adult Ed. Archery Hunter Education Course, Caribou
Feb 4: 6:00-9:00 p.m.; Feb 19: 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. This ME DIFW course provides knowledge regarding equipment, hunting methods, responsibilities, and general safety. Homestudy course; requires attendance at sessions as well as work from home. Contact Caribou Adult Ed. (207-493-4272) FMI

Friday, February 6-Sunday, February 8
Moosestompers Weekend, Houlton
Activities include: Moonlight Snowshoe Hike, Giant Sliding Hill, Family Snowman Building Contest, Wild Katahdin Trust Snow Run, Cross-country Skiing, Cardboard Derby Race, Giant Bonfire, and more! Visit FMI

Saturday, February 7
31st Annual Wild Katahdin Trust Snow Run, Houlton
First race in the Aroostook Musterds County Challenge Series. Registration: 9:00 a.m. at Millar Arena. 2-mile walk start: 10:45 a.m. 5k run start: 11:00 a.m. Cost: $12. T-shirts to first 50 registrants. Contact Larry Tonzi FMI.

Saturday, February 7
Florenceville-Bristol Tourism SnowBlast, Florenceville, NB
This event is a blast for the entire family to celebrate winter! Activities: youth/adult cardboard classic, snowshoe hikes, taffy on the snow, wacky snow games, food court, sliding, and more. Contact Florenceville-Bristol Tourism (506-392-6763) or visit FMI

Thursday, February 12-Sunday, February 15
Katahdin Communities Outing Club Head North Ski Weekend, Mt. Chase
10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. each day at Matagamon Ski Trails, end of Matagamon Rd. Join us for groomed trails along the East Branch of the Penobscot and fun activities. Ski equipment available. Cost: $5/day suggested donation. Contact Susan Adams (207-852-1291) or FMI

Saturday, February 14
River Valley Runners Cupid Run for Haiti, Woodstock, NB
Registration: 9:30 a.m. at St. Gertrude’s Hall, 111 St. Gertrude St. Cost: donation. Contact River Valley Runners FMI

Saturday, February 14
NMMC/FSTA Rally in the Valley Winter Festival, Madawaska
Kids of all ages are invited to attend a fun outdoor snow day; skiing, snowshoeing, tubing, games, and more! Registration: 10:00 a.m. at Four Seasons Lodge. Event: 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Cost: $5; includes t-shirt and water bottle. Contact Gail Lamarr (207-834-1459) or FMI

Saturday, February 14
Limestone Ski Club C-Me-Ski – Aroostook Cup #3, Limestone
A great classic tour and race. Distances: .5k-2k/ages 12 and under; 7k/ages 13-18; 21k/adults. Registration: 12:00 p.m. at Aroostook National Wildlife Refuge. Youth race start: 1:00 p.m. Adult race start: 1:30 p.m. Cost: $10/adult; FREE/youth. Contact Limestone Ski Club (207-328-7491) FMI

Saturday, February 21
Fort Kent Outdoor Center Winter Women’s Day, Fort Kent
9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Skiing and snowshoeing lessons, yoga or other fitness programs, food and snacks, and a guest speaker. Fee: $20/club members; $25/non-members. Contact Laura Audibert FMI

Saturday, February 21
Aroostook State Park Winter Family Fun Day, Presque Isle
10:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. Cross country skiing, snowshoeing, ice skating (bring skates), sliding, snowmobile tote-rides, nature walks, warming hut, bonfire, hot food, and Smokey the Bear. Fee: $1.50/person ages 12-64; all others FREE. Contact Aroostook State Park (207-768-8341) FMI

Saturday, February 28–Sunday, March 1
February Frolic Ski Festival – Aroostook Cups #4 & #5, Caribou
Get ready for one big weekend of winter fun! Planned events include Aroostook Youth Ski Festival, Aroostook League Middle School Ski Sprints, Maine State Ski Sprints (A-Cup #4), Henry Anderson Ski Dag (A-Cup #5), and MUCH more! Contact Mark Shea (207-498-9952) or FMI

Ongoing Programs:

Sunday Saunter Running Group, Presque Isle
Sundays; 10:00 a.m. at UMPI's Gentile Hall. Open to all abilities; be ready for an easy run of 30-45 minutes, and bring friends! Contact Jonathan Kelley FMI

Van Buren Rec. Youth Hockey, Van Buren
Sundays; 11:00 a.m. and Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays; 3:30 p.m. at the Van Buren Ice Skating Rink (weather permitting). Come play hockey outdoors! Donations of “real” ice hockey sticks, helmets, pads, would be greatly appreciated! Contact Michael "Miles" Garcia (207-868-5059) or FMI

Bootlegger Snowshoe Hike, Rivière-Bleue, QC
Sundays; fourth Sunday of the month at 1:30 p.m. (Eastern Time) at the end of Path Brissette. Get to know the magical setting of the Bootlegger trails on this guided hike. Contact Jean Lebrun (418-893-1033) or FMI

10th Mountain Outdoor Club Jalbert Pee Wee Biathlon Program, Fort Kent
Tuesdays; 4:00 p.m. at Fort Kent Outdoor Center. Open to youth ages 9 and under. Kids will learn basic skate skiing skills, go on ski adventures, and play LOTS of games! Cost: FREE! Contact Gail Johnson FMI

10th Mountain Outdoor Club Jalbert Youth Biathlon Program, Fort Kent
Tuesdays; 6:00 p.m. at Fort Kent Outdoor Center. Open to youth ages 10-14; roller skiing, rifle shooting, trail running, and LOTS of games! Cost: FREE! Contact Gail Johnson FMI

MWSC Active Maine Project Adult Nordic Program, Fort Kent
Tuesdays; 6:00 p.m. at Fort Kent Outdoor Center. The program runs January 20-February 10 and is a fun, social way to improve your ski skills. Cost: $55. Contact Mike Smith (207-227-0250) or FMI

MWSC Active Maine Project Adult Nordic Program, Presque Isle
Thursdays; 6:00 p.m. at Nordic Heritage Center. The program runs January 22-February 12 and is a fun, social way to improve your ski skills. Cost: $55. Contact Mike Smith (207-227-0250) or FMI

Lonesome Pines Trails Junior Ski Program, Fort Kent
Saturdays; 9:30-11:30 a.m. For grades K-8; runs for eight weeks, starting Jan. 31. Fee: $45; includes sweatshirt and fee waiver for LPT Annual Invitational Race on March 21. Contact Mike Voisine (207-834-5202) or FMI

Nordic Heritage Sport Club Youth XC Ski Program, Presque Isle
Saturdays; 10:00-11:30 a.m. Starts January 10. Join us for a fun-filled free ski lesson! Grades K-8 welcome; ages 5 and under invited if with adult. Lessons designed for all levels. Visit FMI

Four Seasons Trail Association Youth Ski Program, Madawaska
Saturdays; 1:00 p.m. at Four Seasons Lodge. Visit FMI

Bigrock Multi-week Youth Lesson Programs, Mars Hill
Saturdays and Sundays; time and cost varies. 10-week programs start first Saturday in January. Specially designed for junior skiers/snowboarders of all abilities, including first‐timers; focus on developing fundamentals in a safe, fun‐filled environment. Contact Ryan Guerrette (207-425-6711) FMI

* = New or updated item(s).

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