offugo... Outdoor Calendar 09.04.14

* = New or updated item(s).

**Ongoing (weekly) events are listed at the bottom of this post.

Saturday, September 6
Caribou Rec. Take It Outside Series Adult Adventure Day, Caribou. An adrenaline junkie’s dream is just across the border in Grand Falls, NB; zip-lining, depelling, wall climbing, one-hour gorge boat tour. Fee: $100; includes transportation, all activities, lunch. Contact Neal Sleeper (207-493-4224) or FMI

Saturday, September 6
Aid for Kids Educational Fair, Houlton. 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. at Millar Civic Center. Events include Kids’ Bike Rodeo (must have helmet and bike), hands-on science project, Maine Forest Service helicopter, Malcolm Science Center, marine touch tank, bounce house, games, prizes, free barbeque. Contact Houlton Rec. (207-532-1313) or visit FMI

Sunday, September 7
Redy...Set...Let's Go! Youth Triathlon
, Presque Isle. This event is perfect for beginners and more experienced competitors between the ages of 7 and 14, and will be held at the UMPI campus. Fee: $20; pre-registration required. Entrants will receive a pre-race packet with course map, FAQ sheet, and more. Visit FMI

Friday, September 12-Sunday, September 14
Caribou Rec. Take It Outside Series Adult Allagash Exploration, Caribou. Two night stay at Maccanamac Camps; canoe Chase Rapids, tour Churchill Dam Museum, hike to historic Chamberlain Lake trains. Participants must be in excellent shape. Cost: $150; includes gear, transportation, meals. Contact Neal Sleeper (207-493-4224) or FMI

*Saturday, September 13
Run For Your Life 2nd Annual Zombie Apocalypse 5K Walk/Shuffle/Run, Caribou. Watch out for the Zombies who will be waiting around every corner! Registration: 8:30 a.m. at Cary Medical Center Trails/Cary Rehab. Race start: 10:00 a.m. Fee: $10; includes t-shirt (while they last). Contact Graham Warne (207-328-4052) or FMI

Saturday, September 13
Mars Hill Mountain Challenge at Bigrock Mountain, Mars Hill. 5k course with plenty of elevation gain and natural and man-made obstacles. Register as an individual, then create a 4-person team if interested. Open to ages 15 and up; recommended for ages 18 and up. Cost: $59. Contact Ryan Guerrette (207-227-8165) or FMI

Saturday, September 13
Mars Hill Mountain Challenge Kids’ Fun Run, Mars Hill. 1k scaled-down version of the Mars Hill Mountain Challenge for ages 5 to 14 that's all about having fun; expect uphill/downhill running, dirt, mud, obstacles, snowguns, and more. Start time: approximately 4:00 p.m. Cost: $20. Contact Ryan Guerrette (207-227-8165) or FMI

Saturday, September 13
Woody Wheaton Land Trust Spednic Lake Conservation Tour, Forest City. Tour the conservation projects past and present that WWLT has undertaken on Spednic Lake. Tour is by Grand Laker Canoe; space is limited. Cost: $10/adults; $5/child; guides lunch provided. Meet at WWLT Center at 9:00 a.m. Contact Patty Michaud (207-4483250) or FMI

Saturday, September 13
Trail’s End Festival, Millinocket. Celebrate Katahdin and the end of the Appalachian Trail. Events include: 5K Run/Walk, Hikers Parade, Learn To Paddle lessons (equipment provided), Warrior Hikers “Walk Off the War Program” Presentation, NatGeo Movie: “Appalachian Trail,” Hiker Forum, Moonlight Kayak Paddle, and more! Visit FMI

Thursday, September 18
Caribou Rec. Take It Outside Series Adult Moose & Salmon Day, Caribou. Travel to Ashland to learn why moose permits have been rolled back 25%. Spend the afternoon learning what Atlantic Salmon for Northern Maine is working on. Depart 9:00 a.m. Cost: $40; includes transportation and lunch. Contact Neal Sleeper (207-493-4224) or FMI

Saturday, September 20
Cary Rehab/Caribou Rec Caribou Adventure Challenge 5k, Caribou. Registration: 8:30 a.m. at Otter Street Park & Ride. Race start: 10:00 a.m. Cost: $15/person; $40/family of 4; t-shirts to first 50 registrants. Prizes: 1st overall male, female, two-person, and four-person teams. Contact Neal Sleeper (207-493-4224) or FMI

*Saturday, September 20
3rd Annual Riverfront Harvest Festival 5k, Houlton. Great old-fashioned family fun day including games, vendors, and lots more. Come join the fun! Registration: 9:00 a.m. in Riverfront Park. Kids’ race: 9:30 a.m. Race start: 10:00 a.m. Fee: $10; t-shirt to first 50 registrants; Kids’ race: FREE (10 and under). Contact Greater Houlton Chamber (207-532-4216) FMI

*Saturday, September 20
Color ME 5k, Fort Kent. A color run unlike any before; come prepared to have a party, walking, running, or dancing while taking in beautiful Fort Kent! Wear white. Event start: 1:00 p.m.; not timed. Registration: online only. Fee: $30 before September 12. Visit FMI

Sunday, September 21
UMPI Alumni and All-Comers XC Race, Presque Isle. Distance: 5k. Race start: 10:00 a.m. at UMPI’s Park Family Field (soccer field complex). Contact Chris Smith (207-768-4972) or FMI

Saturday, September 27
Cornerstone Christian Academy 5k Run/Walk & Kids’ Fun Run, Presque Isle.
Registration: 7:30 a.m. at Cornerstone Christian Academy. Kids’ 1-Mile Fun Run start: 8:30 a.m.; 5k race start: 9:00 a.m. Cost: $1/Kids’ Fun Run; $20/adult; $10/youth (under 19); participants will receive an athletic shirt. Visit FMI

Saturday, September 27
New Brunswick Air Cadet Fun Raiser 3k/5k Run/Walk, Grand Falls, NB. Race location: The Marina. Online registration closes Sept. 26. Cost: $20/adult; $15/youth (18 and under); free t-shirt to all participants.
Contact Dee Davis (506-208-0180) or or visit FMI

*Saturday, October 11-Monday, October 13
Caribou Rec. Take It Outside Series Adult Baxter State Park Trip, Caribou.  Join us for a two-night camping trip; optional hike of Mt. Katahdin. Bring sleeping bag, hiking clothes, snacks. Participants must be in excellent shape. Fee: $75; includes transportation, lodging, meals. Contact Neal Sleeper (207-493-4224) or FMI

*Saturday, October 11
Color ME Pink 5k Run/Walk, Presque Isle. Registration: 9:30 a.m. at The Aroostook Medical Center. Kids’ 1-mile Fun Run start: 10:00 a.m.; Walk/Run start: 11:00 a.m. Fee: $20; t-shirts to first 100 registrants; 1-mile Kids’ Fun Run: Free. Finisher medals provided; no age group awards. Visit FMI

*Saturday, October 11
The Dam Run 10k, Perth-Andover, NB. Other distances: 5k, Kids’ 1k. Registration: 10:00 a.m. at River Valley Civic Centre. Race start: 11:00 a.m. (all times Atlantic). Run along the beautiful St. John River; pre-register for "I ran the DAM RUN" t-shirt. Contact Tasha Wright (506-273-4845) or FMI

Top of Form

Ongoing Programs:

10th Mountain Outdoor Club Road Bike Ride, Fort Kent. Sundays; 8:00 a.m. behind Irving on Main St. June-September. Rides last 2+ hours and range 20-40 miles. Contact Norm Martin FMI

MOJO Monday Meander, Presque Isle. Mondays; 6:00 p.m. Easy road bike group ride. Contact Mark Fullen (207-760-9500) or FMI

NHSC Group Mountain Bike Ride, Presque Isle. Mondays; 6:00 p.m. at Nordic Heritage Center Welcome Center. All abilities welcome. Contact Tom Chasse (207-694-5222) or FMI

Boreal Outdoor Club Road Bike Ride, Caribou. Tuesdays; 5:30 p.m. at SW Collins on Washburn St. Moderate 18-19 mph group ride. Contact Brent Jepson (207-492-2222) FMI

Guided Aroostook River Tour, Presque Isle. Wednesdays; 4:30 p.m. at Perception of Aroostook. Paddle from Washburn to Presque Isle. Trip includes instruction. Shuttle Fee: $10; Kayak rental and shuttle: $35. Contact Leo Freeman (207-764-5506) FMI

MOJO Good Times Ride, Presque Isle. Wednesdays; 6:00 p.m. Moderate road bike group ride. Contact Mark (207-760-9500) or FMI

NHSC Group Mountain Bike Ride, Presque Isle. Wednesdays; 6:00 p.m. at Nordic Heritage Center Fort Road trailhead. All abilities welcome. Contact Tom Chasse (207-694-5222) or FMI

10th Mountain Outdoor Club Mountain Bike Ride, Fort Kent. Wednesdays; 6:00 p.m. at Lonesome Pine Trails on Forest St. June-September. Moderate-difficult rides; 2+ hours. Contact Norm Martin FMI

Come Pet A Horse: Open House for Veterans and Families, Van Buren. Monthly: 3rd Wednesdays; 5:00 p.m. at Perfect Ponies Learning Center on Main St. Find out how veterans all over the USA are benefitting from horse time. Contact Nancy Dumond Violette (207-868-5324) FMI

NHSC Group Road Bike Ride, Presque Isle. Thursdays; 5:30 p.m. at SW Collins on Rice St. 25-40 miles; 18-22 mph average. Contact Gregg Collins FMI

Eureka Rides, Stockholm. Thursdays; 6:00 p.m. at Stockholm Town Office on School St. Easy road bike and mountain bike group ride. Alternating weeks; start with road bikes June 19, then mountain bikes June 26, etc. Relax at Eureka Tavern after. Contact Brent Jepson (207-492-2222) FMI

Bike Board and Ski Road Bike Ride, Presque Isle. Saturdays; 8:00 a.m. behind Bike Board and Ski on State St. Two groups: easy and moderate pace; 20-30 miles. Contact Andrew Bouchard (207-551-7027) or FMI

Got info on an outdoor, people-powered, or active lifestyle event that you would like to share with others? Please contact Mark Shea to list your event!

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