offugo... Outdoor Calendar 02.14.14

Saturday, February 15
C-Me-Ski – Aroostook Cup #5, Limestone. Limestone Ski Club and Aroostook National Wildlife Refuge are hosts for this great classic tour and race. Course length varies from 1/2K - 2K for skiers 12 and under; 7K for skiers 13 - 18; and 21K for adults. Registration: 12:00 p.m. Youth Race start: 1:00 p.m. Adult Race start: 1:30 p.m. Fee: Free for youth; $5 for adults. Contact Limestone Ski Club (207-328-7491) FMI

Sunday, February 16
Great Maine Outdoor Weekend Event, Fort Kent. Noon to 2:00 p.m. Skiers and snowshoers are welcome to join a family-friendly treasure hunt; teams or individuals can search for hidden treasure along ski and snowshoe trails at 10th Mountain Outdoor Center. Fee: $5; winner or team of winners earns half the registration fees.  Contact Laura Audibert FMI

Saturday, February 22
Winter Women’s Day, Fort Kent. 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Organizers will be providing food and snacks, group skiing and snowshoeing lessons and opportunities, yoga or other fitness programs, and a guest speaker. Fee: $20 for 10th Mountain Outdoor Club members; $25 for non-members. Contact Laura Audibert FMI

*Saturday, February 22
Aroostook State Park Winter Family Fun Day, Presque Isle. 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Activities: dog sled rides ($3 donation), XC skiing, snowshoeing, ice skating (bring skates), sliding, snowmobile tote-rides, guided nature walks, vintage snowmobiles, bonfire, hot food, Smokey the Bear, and LL Bean Bootmobile. Fee: $1.50 per person ages 12-64. Contact Aroostook State Park (207-768-8341) FMI

*Sunday, February 23
3rd Annual NorState FCU WinterTrek to End Hunger, Madawaska. Snowshoe or XC ski at Four Seasons Trails. Registration: 9:30 a.m. Trek: 10:00 a.m.—Noon. Fee: $10; free lunch for registered Trekkers. Equipment rentals available. All proceeds benefit Ending Hunger Campaign in Aroostook County. Contact Shirley Cyr (207-728-7555) or FMI

*Sunday, March 2
FKCHS Key Club Snowshoe Race and Family Fun Day, Fort Kent. Registration: Noon at 10th Mountain Lodge. Race start: 1:00 p.m. Fee: Ages 12 and up $20; Ages 11 and under $5. Snowshoes available for paid entrants on a first come, first served basis. Food available to purchase. Proceeds to benefit Ronald McDonald House of Bangor. Contact FMI

*Saturday, March 8
Community Sno Carnival, New Sweden. 9:00 a.m. Events and activities for children and adults at New Sweden Trails, 113 Westmanland Road; snowshoeing, XC skiing, sledding and more! Breakfast and lunch items available for purchase. Contact Mrs. Spooner or Mrs. Ferland (207-896-5541) FMI

*Saturday, March 8
Ashland Area XC Ski Club Family Fun Day, Ashland. 10:00 a.m. Location: Chase's Ski Trails, 267 Garfield Rd. Self-guided family activities will include: ice cube hunt, scavenger hunt, cribbage run, snow golf, snowshoeing, and two new trails to explore. Skis available for use. Contact Amanda Barker (207-712-8552) FMI

*Saturday, March 15
Himie Towle Memorial Ski Frolic – Aroostook Cup #7, Presque Isle. 11:00 a.m. at the Nordic Heritage Center. The mass-start 10k event is freestyle cross-country (classic track also set). Fee: $20 family, $10 adult, $5 youth; includes lunch. Contact Tom Towle (207-472-3882) FMI

*Sunday, March 16
Acadia FCU Marathon, Madawaska. 40k classic/skate with prize money; 20k classic/skate with prizes; 6k Deprey Classic "Aroostook Cup #1" race; kids' races, too! Food, fun, relaxation in our beautiful lodge, plus snowshoe trails and a terrain park for the kids. Fee: $25. Contact Colin Jandreau (207-728-6103) or

*Thursday, March 20
UMPI Outing Club Snowshoe Trek, Presque Isle. Snowshoes and transportation to the Nordic Heritage Center provided for first 10 participants; meet at UMPI’s Gentile Hall at 6:00 p.m. Fee: UMPI students $4; non-students $6. Contact UMPI Outing Club (207-768-9401) FMI

*Saturday, March 22-Sunday, March 23
Caribou Rec. Trip to Maccanamac Camps, Spider Lake. Activities: ice fishing, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, or simply relaxing and enjoying a nice warm cabin in the woods. Fee: $125; includes transportation, fishing license, food, lodging, and necessary equipment. Contact Neal Sleeper (207-493-4224) or FMI

*Tuesday, March 25
Caribou Rec. Snowshoeing Adventure, Let’s hit the trails! Fee: $20; includes snowshoe rentals, trekking poles, hot dog roast over an open fire, and guided instruction. Trip departs from Caribou Wellness Center at 10:00 a.m. Proper clothing and footwear highly recommended. Contact Neal Sleeper (207-493-4224) or FMI

Ongoing Programs:

Sunday Saunter Running Group, Presque Isle. Sundays; 10:00 a.m. at UMPI's Gentile Hall. Throughout the winter, join us as we saunter through the city. Open to all abilities; come to run, connect with friends, and pass the winter! Dress warmly, be ready for an easy run of 30-45 minutes, and bring friends! Contact Jonathan Kelley FMI

Let’s Ski Along Ski Group, Fort Kent. Sundays; 1:00-3:00 p.m. at 10th Mountain Outdoor Center. Groups for both classic and skate skiing; participation is free and open to all abilities and ages. Ski rentals available: $10/day. Contact Norm Martin FMI

Jalbert Youth Biathlon Program, Fort Kent. Tuesdays; 6:00 p.m. at 10th Mountain Outdoor Center. Open to youth ages 10-14; children have the opportunity to learn both skiing and shooting skills. Cost: FREE! Runs concurrently with 10th Mountain Arooskis Adult Nordic Program. Contact Tricia Husain (207-834-3548) or, or Jeff Dubis (207-316-8866) or FMI

Walking Group, Madawaska. Wednesdays and Saturdays; 1:00 p.m. Meet at Four Seasons Lodge to walk a 45- or 90-minute trail. Anyone and everyone is welcome to join the group and learn the path. Contact Jackie Soucy (207-728-7047) FMI

Arooskis Adult Nordic Program, Presque Isle. Thursdays; 6:00 p.m. at Nordic Heritage Center. The program runs through mid-March and is a fun, social way to improve your ski skills. Cost: $50. Contact Mike Smith (207-227-0250) or FMI

Boreal Outdoor Club Friday FUNdamentals, Caribou. Fridays; 6:00 p.m. at the Caribou High School Ski Center; Jan. 10-Feb. 28. The program is for adults looking to learn to cross country ski, or those looking to improve their technique. Alpine skiing and snowshoeing too! Contact Brent Jepson (207-492-2222) or FMI

Nordic Heritage Youth XC Ski Program, Presque Isle. Saturdays; 10:00 - 11:30 a.m.; January – March. Join us for a fun-filled free ski lesson! Children in grades 1-8 are welcome; ages 5 and under are invited to join if accompanied by an adult. Lessons are designed for all levels of skiers. Contact Jeremy Griffiths (207-316-9911) or FMI

Ski with Ease Program, Madawaska. Saturdays: 1:00 p.m. For children ages 2-12. Ski rentals may be available. Contact Dawn Bragdon (207-316-8600) or FMI

Lonesome Pines Trails Junior Ski Program, Fort Kent. Saturdays. The program is for children in grades K-8 and will run for eight weeks, starting Feb. 1. Fee: $45, which includes a sweatshirt and provides a waiver for entry to the LPT Annual Invitational Race on March 22. Contact Mike Voisine (207-834-5202) or FMI

Got info on an outdoor, people-powered, or active lifestyle event that you would like to share with others? Please contact Mark Shea to list your event!

* = New or edited item(s).

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