Aroostook Outdoor News: 12.29.16 edition

In this edition: 1) An age-old annual tradition that is #ForTheBirds in the #PresqueIsleME area. 2) The return of the #NewYearsDay #SkiRace in #CaribouME. 3) The first #AroostookCup ski race of the season in #MadawaskaME. Plus lots more! #offugo… #AroostookThing of the week: The 117th Annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count in the Presque Isle area. Offugo into 2017…Happy New Year to one and all! 117 years. There aren’t many things that have been around that long, especially when it comes to organized outdoor recreation activities. But that is exactly how long folks around the country have been gathering to conduct the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count. Thanks to local birders, Aroostook County has hosted this early-winter census of our avian friends for the last several years. So now you’re intrigued, but you’ve never done anything like this before – so what to do? That’s easy. The Presque Isle area Christmas Bird Count, organized by the Aroostook ...