Aroostook Outdoor News: 11.24.16 edition

In this edition: 1) A #TurkeyTrot in #CaribouME. 2) Learn from a famous #NorthernMaine photographer in #Caribou. 3) Rent #XCSkis for the season in #CaribouMaine. Plus lots more! #offugo… #AroostookThing(s) of the week: Caribou Recreation Department’s Show and Tell session with photographer Paul Cyr in Caribou. What do class reunions, being around other people’s kids, trimming your nose and ear hair, and sending or receiving mass texts or emails have in common? Individual opinions may vary, but my gut says that most people would agree that these are all things that nobody really likes to do, but sometimes, you just can’t avoid them. Please pardon the cynicism here, but for a guy like me that loves the outdoors, especially in the winter, I would personally like to add attempting to find anything fun to do outside during the month of November to the list. November is like Purgatory for me. Even the teeny amount of snow we had yesterday in Caribou got...