Aroostook Outdoor News: 8.23.19 edition

In this edition: 1) Run an XC race under the lights in Caribou. 2) Walk in remembrance and support of cancer victims and survivors in Sherman. 3) Run on Labor Day in Caribou, and don’t forget to get there early with the kids for the Viking Run. Plus lots more! Events: Friday, August 23 CARIBOU: CHS Alumni and Community XC Race. Distance: 2.75 miles. Race as an individual or as a team. Runners start according to age; each category starting one minute apart so everyone has a chance to win. Cost: FREE. Registration: 6:30 p.m. at CHS Ski Building, 308 Sweden St. Race start: 7:45 p.m. Contact Roy Alden (207-498-3563) or FMI Saturday, August 31 SHERMAN: Sherman Old Home Days Celebration of Life Cancer Walk. Registration: 9:00 a.m. at the Bandstand. Walk start: 9:30 a.m. Monday: Maine’s only “twice around” parade, 10:00 a.m. Contact Allison Roy (207-557-4365) or Steven Lane (207-365-4311) FMI Monday, September 2 CARIBOU: Viking Run. Kids...